the two boy's body away. Yesterday morning

Ronaldinho boy drowned during his lifetime photograph. Express reporter Li Zhan are / photo
Express News (reporter Wu bamboo forest trainee reporter intern Huang Qing Song Kaixin) the day before yesterday, in the Baiyun District, Baiyun, two boys drowned while swimming together. Yesterday, reporters visited the scene found the dead weight of several fellow villagers,, according to one of the parties represented,, when two boys in distress near the metal factory had seventy-eight male worker passing the lake, she has twice to each other for help, but the other has refused to help, so missed the best rescue time. Currently, the families of the deceased have been far away in Yunnan came to Guangzhou.
Site put up warning signs
At noon yesterday, it has been under the hot sun Baiyun return to calm. Two boys drowned in waters not far from the shore, has erected a written "depth here, no swimming,," the warning signs. According to a Ming Abo introduced yesterday 1 pm, there are funeral car to the scene, the two boy's body away. Yesterday morning,, dozens of dead villagers also visited the scene view.
Baiyun small road leading to the reporter encounter deceased fellow Ms. Huang, according to Ms. Huang said that after villagers agreed that viewed the scene, Baiyun protective measures imperfect, they have started to collect material, ready to construction lodge found responsible for the accident and compensation claims. It is learned that the deceased's family far away in Yunnan, have been left to come to Guangzhou.
Villagers denounced neglecting
Two of the deceased in the residence,louboutin pas cher, the reporter found the time of the incident rushed to the scene of an earlier party Ms. Chu. According to Ms Chu introduced,,louboutin homme pas cher, two drowned boys, older called Xiao Ke, the smaller is called Ronaldinho, the two are Zhaotong people. Ms Chu said the afternoon Zhang, Xiao Ke and Ronaldinho out to play together in the Baiyun Lakeside Xiao Ke first into the water,ralph lauren pas cher, then they distress due to water depth. Zhang later told her, on the shore of Ronaldinho and she reached out to pull, because the soft sand Ronaldo was brought down. Zhang was being pulled Ronaldinho, the other let go due to drowning. See Xiao Ke and Ronaldinho both distress, trousers have been soaked girl Zhang scared quickly shouted for help.
Ms Chu said after the incident near seventy-eight play man after,nike pas cher pour homme, Zhang immediately came to each other for help, but the other refused water. "They are near the hardware factory workers, aged between 20 to 30 years old." Ms. Chu said Zhang then ran home to report.
Ms. Zhu and Zhang return the lake, the incident almost 10 minutes. Ms. Zhu again unto seventy-eight man for help,louboutin soldes, but the other is still just watching, but also said that "useless." Until 30 minutes after the incident, Ms. Zhu's husband arrived, the water search failed. Subsequently, the police sent lifeboat rescue, the body salvaged.
"Too cold up." Ms. Chu this to heart,
"Very little time to come to work."
Deceased fellow introduced Ronaldinho younger boy, parents have nearly 60 years. Ronaldinho's father divorced before, only his second marriage. "The couple is a late age son, Ronaldinho is the baby home." However, Ronaldinho born in rural areas, has not yet finished primary school drop out at home. "We have that place, in addition to farming no way out." Ms. Chu said.
Ms Chu said, the family's poverty,, let the young Ronaldinho and the neighboring village of Xiao Ke early to take up the burden of life. Only one way out, go out to work. According to people who know Ronaldinho and Xiao Ke introduction,, they actually came to work for many years Krasnaya Zvezda. "When we came to a small, is senior fellow brought over." Ronaldinho and Xiao Ke reporter walked into plastic classification factory work during his lifetime, in fact, found that few take up the shabby red brick warehouse. The workers are young, manual labor is done squatting hallway, process is simple and repeated plastic sorted and bundled.
According to Ms Chu said, Ronaldinho and Xiao Ke parents riding the train came to Guangzhou, fare or fellow Minato.

a big air conditioner will not catch a cold

Kindergarten entrance fee small blackboard written notice.
Xindu District Dafeng Zhen Tong Lok Kindergarten practices cause some parents questioned the zoo explain what charges will not stand still,escarpin louboutin pas cher.
"An air-conditioned classroom in kindergarten, we need to pay 20 dollars a month, is not very reasonable Oh?" Yesterday, members of the public into our hotline reflect Miss Bai, daughter of Sissy (a pseudonym) where the new capital district Fengzhen Tong Lok Kindergarten,, from month to month, additional air conditioning costs 20 yuan.
16:00, the reporter went to the nursery to see the iron gate hung a blackboard, inform all parents:. "Because of the hot weather, each child received air conditioning costs 20 yuan ...... Thank Parents cooperation and understanding."
Parents: $ 20 per month is a little high
"Aside Saturday Sunday, a few days a month doll kindergarten also more than 20 days." Miss Bai took receipt of payment this month, looked at the words written on "Air conditioning costs 20 yuan," he said that now the weather is not hot kindergarten open air time is actually very little, how it does not take too much electricity. Her calculations,air max milano,, there are 11 classes in kindergarten An air conditioning, air-conditioning costs even 20 students in each class, is 4400 yuan a month charge.
Miss Bai most puzzling is that kindergartens closed air-conditioning costs, how much income, and parents have no prior consultation, unilaterally set down, so even though now she has to pay this $ 20, but my heart is still a little "choking."
Ms. White had the same doubts and parents as well as quite a few, everyone at the door waiting to take the children home, they chatted up, in addition to questions about the cost, some parents worry about such a small child blowing air will affect their health. An unnamed parent said: "I doll in small classes,louboutin femme pas cher, only 3 years old and more, a big air conditioner will not catch a cold?"
Kindergarten: as the case may change
For charge 20 yuan,, "Air conditioning fee" is reasonable doubt, kindergarten responsible person surnamed Zhou made a detailed answer. "In fact, the first installation of air conditioning and parents suggested." She said, in March there was a time it has been very hot,, some parents will not be able to secure proposal nursery is air conditioning,air jordan pas cher, the weather is getting hot, so the children can heat, long prickly heat .
"The nursery has been run for 10 years, we can not do things Kuixin Ann air conditioning but also good for the children." Ms. Zhou also calculations: 1 table 2 air-conditioning,, open one hour spend almost 2 kWh, this took nearly 40,000 yuan Ann 11 air conditioners, kindergartens are not in accordance with the power-residents all day, if air conditioning on hot days,, that electricity will be very high, it can not afford nursery.
Ms. Zhou said,chaussures louboutin hommes, the standard 20 yuan per person per month is not scheduled to die, and will be adjusted according to the actual situation of the use of air conditioning per month. "For example, this month is not very hot, but the beginning has received $ 20, and that next month will only cost 15 yuan or 10 yuan." Zhou said cost is "change", but will pay attention to adjust the air conditioning temperature to ensure children's health.
Department of Education: Not filing fee
According to "People's Republic of China Private Education Promotion Law" stipulates that the project fee private schools or other educational institutions of the educated and the standard developed by the school and report to the relevant departments for the record and publicity. Private school fees should be mainly used for educational activities and to improve school conditions. In this regard, the new capital district Department of Education staff said that the current private education fees and no "air-conditioning costs," this one, if the kindergarten to charge this fee, must go to the bureau for approval.
"We really have not had time to follow the above approval." Ms. Zhou explained that this is because at this stage the nursery is run every two years,, "the office park permit" inspection, in order to license inspection after approval, and expressed complete formalities as soon as possible,, at the same time make an explanation on the part of parents.
Reporter Liu Lushe shadow Liu Chenping

who came to "help"

Sports Network (AFP) (reporter Yu Hao correspondent hero) Huangpi man driving a car will travel with Lee fighting erupted, will be held hostage to the hostel to beat Lee to ask for 3000 yuan in damages. Reporter learned yesterday,, Qiaokou Court of First Instance recently on a tour of kidnapping sentenced to eight and a half years and fined 10,boutique louboutin paris,000 yuan.
March 17 at 4 pm This year, the Port District and the Long Beach street drugs to help Lane intersection, a 22-year-old young men swim at the meeting with the victim Lee car, avoid problems due to a dispute, the two fight for this occurrence . A tour of able-bodied prevailed,hollister pas cher, after Lee held hostage at the nearby Friendship Road intersection. Tour and kept calling a solicitation Dumou (at large),nike tn pas cher,>>That, who came to "help", followed by a group of people held hostage Lee Road riverbank area into two seven detained a hostel room and beaten. During a tour of the vehicle claimed to be scratched car, demanding money to Lee. Lee's boss in remittances to swim after a 3000 yuan accounts,, this group of people will be Lee released.
Public security authorities received a report, on March 19 will be a tour of arrest.
The court held that a dispute over travel solicitation accomplices kidnap others,,hogan outlet, extort money,, their actions constitute the crime of kidnapping. Given a tour of the implementation in the event of a dispute the kidnapping,boutique louboutin paris, causing no real harm to the victim personal,, less serious offenses of kidnapping during the trial. Voluntarily pleaded guilty, while compensation for the families of the victims take the initiative all the losses and pay a fine, may be lawful and appropriate sentences, then made the decision.
A take a step back to a peaceful settlement of the little things, but developed into a kidnapping case. Although the court can consider a variety of extenuating circumstances, kidnapping people would be sentenced to eight and a half years in prison law. Sorry for the tour in a while,, we realized that such a deeper truth: for life in some small disputes, take a step back he will not lose anything, but it will bring a rare tranquility. And if aggressiveness act violently,, shaking hard pressing, trans bring their own long-term pain.

the baby's father suspected mosquito bites

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Weixin Ying, intern cold cool reported: Panyu District Shek Pik a one-year-old boy who allegedly poured into the ears 502 glue, the boy's uncle said it was his wife committed, his wife claimed that he is being frame. The boy's father is the police,air max milano, the truth should be further identified.
Cliff,, who lives in Panyu District, mustaches and Gesao business together two decoration stores,, 4 pm dinner this month, Hu wanted his nephew to the store to play. Play outside for a few minutes, Hu's wife, Ms. Pan hold the child into the house. Subsequently, Hu wanted to send their children back,christian louboutin homme, entered the house found him crying more than carrying children, it has also been scratching ears.
Small nonsense, the children sent home, always scratching ears, the baby's father suspected mosquito bites, examination revealed the child's ears have white stuff, a bit deeper into it, I feel there is relatively hard,, near the ear exudes a pungent smell, suspect a child's ears were coming down the 502 glue. Hu believes may be his wife to do it because she was the only baby in before gone into the room.
In the evening,,hollister pas cher, Hu took his son to the Women and Children's Medical Center examined medical certificate saying the child's "inner ear suspect a foreign body, the suspect was filling glue, but needs further confirmation."
Hu said, they repeatedly use a cotton swab to help children Taoer Duo,air max outlet italia, took out a piece of white hard objects. On the 13th,, they bring the child to the hospital, doctors confirmed that the child ears again, "was moving the hands and feet" on the ears will be affected remains to be diagnosed.
Hu said he had never done anything to harm the child's things,, and to spearhead his wife Ms. Poon. Ms. Poon feel wronged, "This is something really strange, I believe this is not him (her husband) did it, but in the end we hold the child who is two,hollister france, so he decided that he did not do, so I must be doing a. the incident the first two days, my heart is too chaotic, there is no time to communicate with them and express concern and sympathy,, aroused their resentment. " Later, the two sides do not communicate calmly.
She has said:. "I suspect he was deliberately engage in this matter, to divorce me because I can not have children,," Ms. Pan's sister, told reporters that Ms. Poon absolutely not done such a thing and, if necessary, We will solve the problem through legal channels. She has been staying follow sister to the South China Sea.
Police have the boy removed a hard object inside the ear do component identification, the truth remains to be further investigated.
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Wang Fuqing shouted

"Strong pig" to eat birthday cake to celebrate the rebirth of two years. "Strong pig" to eat birthday cake. "Strong pig" to sing the birthday song to celebrate the rebirth of two years. March, the anniversary of the rebirth of Liu Zhongjun photo Wanxing next couple came to see "strong pig." March, Liu Zhongjun photo
Survey: How do you see strong pig museum celebrating the second anniversary of the rebirth?
Yesterday, the Jianchuan Museum as "strong pig" to do a new life anniversary celebration. "Strong pig" bathed, put on new clothes,, attracted many tourists crowd. First time to eat birthday cake, "strong pig" good appetite, finished three minutes.
 Video: museum celebrating the second anniversary of the rebirth of strong pig Source: China News Agency, "the new video"
No busy washing his face out
Yesterday morning, the "strong pig" Eat breakfast in a barn to rest. I saw it leisurely licking sty floor,nike air max pas cher, licked the corner of the pen, and then lay down to sleep. "It's love clean." Breeder Wang Fuqing uncle said.
In order to "strong pig" debut at the ceremony,hogan outlet 2015, "strong pig" breeder Wang Fuqing uncle and former owner of million-Ming Liu Assembly couple together give it a bath. The day before the original owner Wanxing next couple how to cry, how to play, it refused to move. But take care of it more than a year of Wang Fuqing shouted twice: "!! Stand up stand up," it moaned stood up. Liu Assembly near stroked its head, talking about:... "Be strong, be strong, you suffer, more than 30 days, put it under your whole miserable yesterday so you're happy you do not call up the head up to let look at the thing. "
Three brought shampoo,boutique louboutin paris, towels and water, give it a bath. Wang Fuqing to it with a towel Chopping, "strong pig" wagged his tail and enjoy, "so it comfortably." Bath not finished,abercrombie pas cher, it is necessary to walk toward the door, was stopped. "Wash your birthday." "Good,, strong and good!" Wan Xing Ming,, Liu Assembly against the "strong pig" said.
Go to work
Mouth can find their own way "open" the door
Bath, "strong pig" to go "work" a. "Work! Go!" Shouted Wang Fuqing. "Strong pig" obediently out of the yard,chaussures louboutin hommes, moaned, and walked along the familiar route to work. "It can also find their own way ah!" Came all the way from Chengdu to see the "strong pig" visitors exclaimed.
Wanxing next couple,, weeding along the way, "It's home to eat the grass." Less than 10 minutes, "strong pig" went to the Wenchuan Earthquake Museum next to the "office" of the. Wang Fuqing proudly said: "go its own rope will open the door." "Strong pig" in a couple of wandering outside, Wang Fuqing shouted: "! Go to work," "strong pig" turn to "office" door, Yi Gong mouth, the door opened, it went in. "So good repetitious!" Liu Congress was pleased to give it to feed the grass. But only eat a few bites, "strong pig" to lay down again,, it will continue to sleep.
Wear new clothes
Wear the vest that the "work" of the
13:40 Xu,, "strong pig" is Wang Fuqing lead to a small plaza next to the Wenchuan Earthquake Museum. Wang Fuqing and million-Ming Liu Assembly couple wearing new clothes --- give it a blue vest. "Strong pig" Shuaqi temper, and called the go. "Stand up!" Wang Fuqing ordered. There are people to help one side shouting: "! Rissho"
Put on new clothes, surrounded by tourists in the "strong pig" actually towards its "office" went. "It used to, dressed to go to work." Wang Fuqing took it back to the small square. Toss it out the new clothes. See it was basking in the sun, and Meishan visitors Cheng also with their own fan to fan it. "We have more than 30 individuals together,, we came to see it."
First sniff then opened its mouth to eat
"Happy birthday to you ......" two before, "strong pig" birthday cake appeared, which added a lot of corn flour. People lit candles, sang a birthday song, site visitors spontaneously sing. In this case, "strong pig" even went to the side of the woods Wanni Ba went.
Wang Fuqing, Ming and Liu Wanxing General Assembly had to get a cake in the woods. "Strong pig" sniffed never eaten the cake, big mouth to eat. People are eager to see, as it photographed "strong pig" is surrounded tightly. Wang Fuqing gave it his face smeared with cream.
Involved in the rescue, "strong pig" of the Chengdu Military Region Air Force Flying School Warrior representatives will Wanxing Ming,, Liu Assembly gave their banner, donated to the Jianchuan Museum. See the glowing "strong pig", they exclaimed: "! Was rescued, it is good thin Oh, now so fat" & nbsp; & nbsp; our reporter Wang Qin Yu Wenlong photography
  Museum celebrating the second anniversary of the rebirth of strong pig Source: China News Agency, "in a new video," Play Video

see your marriage information

Changsha News newspaper did spend 10 dollars a piece, "a Bank" work card, a man actually cheated three marriage woman. Recently, Yuelu District People's Procuratorate on suspicion of fraud, according to the law approved the arrest of the suspect Liu.
Liu is a native of Sichuan,nike tn pas cher, seven meters tall, too fat. In November last year, 45-year-old woman he playing the marriage idea. Ryu open the newspaper and see some of the woman's marriage information. He compiled a good message to the other party made in the past: "Miss Hello, I'm × Bank,, see your marriage information, want to be friends with you,, I do not know if you are willing to meet to talk about?"
Information is a mass, and really it was believed. SMS text messages go, some girls cooked up with Ryu.
After the talk was about the same, Liu about wavelet (a pseudonym) came out to meet. Before the meeting, Liu spent 10 yuan, to find someone to do a fake "× Bank" Work card. After the meeting, Liu wavelet very careful and considerate, sweet. He also took his leave Bank work card. Later met several times,hollister pas cher, see each other and considerate, "economic conditions" good, small fluctuation of the heart,louboutin pas cher homme, and together they rented a house cohabitation.
Ryu morning to evening every day,, pretending to go to work. Food and clothing costs are wavelet money around to come up with more than 10,,000 yuan wavelet. Liu always find an excuse for money move finally wavelet became suspicious when she asked Liu to get married. See can not explain this away, Liu simply walk away, but also easily take along to go wavelet valuables.
Wavelet items change some money, a few days after chic,, Liu and "itchy" the. Or the old routine,, little hope he will (a pseudonym) 10,000 yuan Piandao Shou. A few days later,louboutin pas cher, a small hope as fear, like wavelet find his deception, the Ryu must do more: "I take you to my house to play, the way to see my parents,, tomorrow you ride to the middle of May KFC door waiting for me. "
After some well-dressed little hope appeared at the appointed place, ready to see the future in-laws. Liu was secretly hope riding on a motorcycle, shot ass leave.
The same way, Ryu cheated before and three marriage woman. Do Ryu is a rare big guy? That you thought wrong. Wavelet said Liu not only short and fat, "nose to the mouth of the red blood vessels more obvious, skin disfigurement looks like."
Looking back,,nike air jordan pas cher, three victims can not tell how fancy Ryu, "Perhaps he too will be sweet talk it up", he claimed the "Bank" status, it is easy to confuse. Reporter correspondent Ren Jing Zhu Weikun
 (Edit: SN034)

to investigation

People's Liberation Army, the military capacity on behalf of the military style. In 2007, China's renewal of the 07 servicemen unified uniform. In 2009,,scarpe hogan, the State Council and the CMC promulgated the "uniform regulations." Strict regulations prohibit non-military personnel in uniform. However, recently, the military and local relevant departments found that even the presence of arbitrary order and sell all kinds of uniforms, and even the arms of the latest styles on the market, its source where? "Focus" this investigation.
To prevent the new uniforms to be free to wear phenomenon repeats itself, the State Council and the Central Military Commission issued "uniform regulations." "Uniform regulations" clearly states: non-military personnel can not wear uniforms, uniforms prohibited sales on the market, can not be produced without authorization army uniforms.
07-style uniforms became a corporate work clothes
3 years later, the "Focus" reporter found that the phenomenon of non-military personnel in uniform began to rise. In April this year, the PLA General Logistics Department held a uniform management meetings. A break in the meeting, the participants go for a walk found several soldiers wearing 07-style uniforms, behave much like soldiers. After tracking the participants found that these people are actually employees of a business. This enterprise even the simple 07-style uniforms affixed corporate logo apparel,christian louboutin homme, work clothes so that when employees wear. Forces relevant departments to provide photo display, photos look a soldier team photo, but it is a photo of workers in this enterprise.
Makeup sex workers,, even wearing the sacred uniform
Frustrating is that some criminals use 07-style uniforms trickster. Not long ago, a 07-style dress uniform, wearing the rank of major general who frequent the capital of the public. Who would have thought he is not a soldier. Eventually the soldiers to leave the school name to defraud over twenty-two million was arrested. There is also a liar wearing the rank of colonel in uniform, posing as army division level cadres to North Water Transfer Project to defraud more than eight million local businesses. What is more, some porn sites porn workers make 07-style dress uniforms,christian louboutin homme, accompany guests pornography services to meet the needs of some of the guests metamorphosis.
Follow it, large-scale counterfeiting dens eventually found
Since the 07-style uniforms with the troops, laws and regulations on the 07 uniform production and sales have strict rules. The purpose is to cut off military uniform way into the community. Well, these people dressed in new uniforms is where to get it?
According to the PLA General Logistics Department to reflect the public security department and the business sector soon found a large number of fake military uniforms from Shijiazhuang City, a few clothing stores sell. Departments concerned to inspect the store and found a ban on the sale of goods uniforms. Wherein a waistcoat, with troop forces in the north of Zhangjiakou cold zone allotted vest exactly the same. Behind a shop, police officers have a new discovery. See more in this store military supplies warehouse. Authorities pointed out that the existence of things a person can be equipped on the type,, number theory can be equipped with a battalion. Light hat there for men, women and with Bayi badge. Clothes have just come out of the 07 spring and uniforms, badges, from flowers, qualifications and even Beijing Military Region chapter armband everything.
In the face of overwhelming evidence,louboutin homme pas cher, the store owner quibble that these things are not selling stock. In the Beijing Military Region, with the assistance of investigators, police and the business sector in Hebei Province 40 kilometers from Shijiazhuang Jingxing find outside of this store supplier plant points. In Jingxing Wei Village, authorities found a production line in a small farm house on the second floor. There are 21 sets of advanced production line of industrial sewing machines,, are mass-produced for training servicemen desert camouflage coat. Estimates from the fabric store a day at full capacity can produce hundreds of pieces.
Desert camouflage coat but this company's recent production of a variety. Although business is not, type and timing of the production of fake military uniforms is not a small figure. In terms of production time, 87 style, 04 style as well as the 07 newest style uniforms, it should be said that the production of very long time. From the production process, the hard copy is not an ordinary cardboard, used when all cutting template. And there are a variety of templates, very professional. Judging from the production of finished products, in addition to the army, as well as police, navy,, armed.
This enterprise into the ship books show that from the beginning of 2001, the firm began to get involved in the production of fake uniforms. Diaspora decade out from here thousands of colored fake police clothing. So long large-scale production, the local authorities have never found before? According to this company official said, many local authorities have also had to check, but the management is only a verbal warning after checking, then do not follow up.
Dens producing fake uniforms, why you can be safe?
In accordance with the "uniform regulations", large-scale production like this fake military uniforms had violated the criminal law. National criminal law, illegal manufacture and sale, processing,, production of more than 30 sets of uniforms, to investigation, depending on the circumstances and sentenced more than one year to three years in prison. There are also some economic penalties.
Why this business a long time safe? Enterprise responsible in some department to investigate, but not let dry, just money trouble. Some departments money mainly depends on the number of workers,tiffany outlet, usually five or six thousand to two thousand workers.
This fake military uniforms from the case in recent years in North China together with the destruction of the largest cases of selling fake uniforms. Seized various counterfeit clothing for 4687 sets and a lot of rank,, from flowers, chest standard, armbands and military fabrics. Currently four suspects have been detained, the authorities are based on clues found in the production of raw materials ferret uniform black dens.
A good image of Chinese soldiers are set up during the war years of bloody battles defending the homeland,, serving the people wholeheartedly in peacetime. Military representatives of the military's image, if not block any wear, selling fake uniforms of behavior, so that a large number of non-military personnel wearing uniforms and casual uniforms fraud by criminals, the military air and army have done great harm. Now, the administrative departments throughout the treatment and selling fake military uniforms acts only in accordance with selling counterfeit and shoddy clothing, like fine money trouble, this is probably actually would encourage this style. The two sides together military and dealt with severely in accordance with regulations should be a priority.