a big air conditioner will not catch a cold

Kindergarten entrance fee small blackboard written notice.
Xindu District Dafeng Zhen Tong Lok Kindergarten practices cause some parents questioned the zoo explain what charges will not stand still,escarpin louboutin pas cher.
"An air-conditioned classroom in kindergarten, we need to pay 20 dollars a month, is not very reasonable Oh?" Yesterday, members of the public into our hotline reflect Miss Bai, daughter of Sissy (a pseudonym) where the new capital district Fengzhen Tong Lok Kindergarten,http://worldol.com/bbs/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, from month to month, additional air conditioning costs 20 yuan.
16:00, the reporter went to the nursery to see the iron gate hung a blackboard, inform all parents:. "Because of the hot weather, each child received air conditioning costs 20 yuan ...... Thank Parents cooperation and understanding."
Parents: $ 20 per month is a little high
"Aside Saturday Sunday, a few days a month doll kindergarten also more than 20 days." Miss Bai took receipt of payment this month, looked at the words written on "Air conditioning costs 20 yuan," he said that now the weather is not hot kindergarten open air time is actually very little, how it does not take too much electricity. Her calculations,air max milano,http://www.788qxw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=103142, there are 11 classes in kindergarten An air conditioning, air-conditioning costs even 20 students in each class, is 4400 yuan a month charge.
Miss Bai most puzzling is that kindergartens closed air-conditioning costs, how much income, and parents have no prior consultation, unilaterally set down, so even though now she has to pay this $ 20, but my heart is still a little "choking."
Ms. White had the same doubts and parents as well as quite a few, everyone at the door waiting to take the children home, they chatted up, in addition to questions about the cost, some parents worry about such a small child blowing air will affect their health. An unnamed parent said: "I doll in small classes,louboutin femme pas cher, only 3 years old and more, a big air conditioner will not catch a cold?"
Kindergarten: as the case may change
For charge 20 yuan,http://www.zhubajie.in/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=105995&fromuid=3490, "Air conditioning fee" is reasonable doubt, kindergarten responsible person surnamed Zhou made a detailed answer. "In fact, the first installation of air conditioning and parents suggested." She said, in March there was a time it has been very hot,http://www.infocrystal.com/alink/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=970/, some parents will not be able to secure proposal nursery is air conditioning,air jordan pas cher, the weather is getting hot, so the children can heat, long prickly heat .
"The nursery has been run for 10 years, we can not do things Kuixin Ann air conditioning but also good for the children." Ms. Zhou also calculations: 1 table 2 air-conditioning,http://ask.openanalytics.eu/question/149345/has-recently-appealed/, open one hour spend almost 2 kWh, this took nearly 40,000 yuan Ann 11 air conditioners, kindergartens are not in accordance with the power-residents all day, if air conditioning on hot days,http://snowstorm.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/site.cgi, that electricity will be very high, it can not afford nursery.
Ms. Zhou said,chaussures louboutin hommes, the standard 20 yuan per person per month is not scheduled to die, and will be adjusted according to the actual situation of the use of air conditioning per month. "For example, this month is not very hot, but the beginning has received $ 20, and that next month will only cost 15 yuan or 10 yuan." Zhou said cost is "change", but will pay attention to adjust the air conditioning temperature to ensure children's health.
Department of Education: Not filing fee
According to "People's Republic of China Private Education Promotion Law" stipulates that the project fee private schools or other educational institutions of the educated and the standard developed by the school and report to the relevant departments for the record and publicity. Private school fees should be mainly used for educational activities and to improve school conditions. In this regard, the new capital district Department of Education staff said that the current private education fees and no "air-conditioning costs," this one, if the kindergarten to charge this fee, must go to the bureau for approval.
"We really have not had time to follow the above approval." Ms. Zhou explained that this is because at this stage the nursery is run every two years,http://vperth.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=80538, "the office park permit" inspection, in order to license inspection after approval, and expressed complete formalities as soon as possible,http://www.ciscoclub.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, at the same time make an explanation on the part of parents.
Reporter Liu Lushe shadow Liu Chenping