"I just wanted to teach him a lesson

Newspaper correspondent Shichang Li Miao Lina told reporters in Wenzhou,http://www.bnews.bg

"Jumping into a river, singled out,http://www1.u-netsurf.ne.jp/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/tiny-m/apeboard_plus.cgi/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=14/, drink some pesticide,tiffany milano,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, choose one of your own, at your own life and death!"

After the big dragon on the left behind the phrase ruthless cousin dragons, dragons turned away.

Dalong see him again when he had drank pesticide poisoning.

"I just wanted to teach him a lesson, he did not want to die!"

I did not expect a large dragon, dragons would be so confused: he first raped a big dragon's girlfriend,nike tn requin, and then because of a large dragon angry words suicide.

He also did not think it could have used legal means to resolve, but he is just a "scandalous, linen", the results themselves around inside.

Yesterday, reporters learned from Cangnan Police Department, because it involves murder, the great dragon was Jingfangxingju.

That cousin raped his girlfriend, he was so angry black eyes

28-year-old Tai Lung is Guizhou, together with a few cousins in Cangnan money for the town to work. Among them, there are 25-year-old cousin dragons.

Several brothers rented a farmer living room, front two. After the brothers live in a big dragon with his 17-year-old girlfriend in front of a live Xiaoge.

In several cousin, the dragons very introverted character, the great dragon has been taken good care of him.

May 3rd day, the great dragon came home and saw Xiaoge heartbroken cry,http://www.atcon.jp, and asked her to say nothing.

Dalong questioning the whole night. The next morning around 8:00, Xiaoge finally spoke. She said last night she was raped dragons.

"Boom" and look, the great dragon head went blank, blood straight to the head of the Bay. He immediately pulled the dragons in his room.

May face cousin of anger, dragons only silence to right, desperate to take one: "Anyway, things have happened, nothing to say."

Dalong angry black eyes. He put down a relentless:

"There are three ways you can go, be you apologize first you go jumping into a river, can live out your life; Article singled me downstairs; the third is to buy your own drink pesticide . "

Until this time, he was also thinking "scandalous linen",chaussures louboutin, no alarm.

Jumping into a river, singled out, drink some pesticide, cousin chose the last one

Tai Lung, then a discerning eye to see that this is a fit of anger, then. I did not expect, dragons immediately turned and walked out.

Several brother was at home want to grab him by the great dragon Hezhu,hogan uomo outlet.

"Do not worry about him." Dalong speechless with rage. He simply did not want to see this cousin,peuterey outlet milano,http://www.suzuya-r.jp.

After a while,louboutin homme, dragons back. Can just got home, he began to vomit, rolling on the ground in pain.

In this case,http://takao-sato.seesaa.net, a large dragon know, cousin actually put his words seriously.

He chose the last one three-way,scarpe hogan, buy a pesticide and drank it.

Dalong called for an ambulance immediately. Unfortunately,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=4009,spaccio woolrich, dragons could not salvaged.

Police quickly involved in the case.

The interrogation room, the big dragon told police his cousin dragons after all,http://bbs.bianzhirensheng.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=726&filter=typeid&typeid=837, he did not think he really how.

"Speaking from the heart,spaccio peuterey, I'm still afraid he really kills, I threatened him,woolrich donna, just want to teach him a lesson, and did not want him dead meant."

He did not expect, in the three-way, the dragons chose the most dangerous piece.

Currently,louboutin femme, police have suspect Cangnan NPC Long Detention,giubbotti moncler, the case is under further investigation.

(Original title: death conceited)