in other students and the public rescue efforts

Xinhua Wuhan,, December 7 (Reporter Wei Mengjia, Li Pengxiang) self-sacrifice Hubei Xianning hometown hero Chen timely recently reproduction "spiritual ladder", two college students jumped into the icy cold water drowning mother save lives,, in other students and the public rescue efforts,abercrombie pas cher, the mother finally saved drowning.

At 14:30 on the 6th or so, in Xianning Gan River Bridge Double-Crane waters in the river when a boy accidentally Shi Zuzhui playing five or six meters into the river,, are not fluent in the aqueous mother so he hastily rescue also unfortunate drowning. Are playing near Xianning Vocational Technical College freshman 20-year-old and 18-year-old Liu Kang Wang heard cries for help,louboutin femme pas cher, rushed to the river and found the water drowning mother had been rushed seven or eight meters away from the shore. They ran off his jacket,hollister france, jumped into the water.

When Wang and Liu Kang drowning mother struggling to drag near the river,, Xianning Vocational Technical College, another freshman Wang,hollister, Wu Chao Xianning College sophomore and some members of the public to help save lives immediately. After much effort,, drowning mother eventually rescued ashore. After that, Wang and Liu Kang did not leave his name on the back to school.

Wang said: "We heard the Yangtze University,, rescue heroes feat inspired by their spirit of self-sacrifice in this emergency situation, we did not think too much on the jump, and save the students should. to do. "

October 24, to rescue two drowning boy, Hubei Yangtze University 15 college students rushed into the water, hands to form a "human ladder" to start the rescue. Eventually,, the two teenagers were rescued, Chen timely,louboutin homme pas cher, Dongxu,, Fang Zhao three college students but heroically. More than a month, heroic deeds aroused strong repercussions in the country.