"Seeing the scene of horrors

Yesterday 8:45, Hangzhou Stadium Road North junction founding tragic accident occurred

A right turn straight clean transport vehicles swept away by a young life

Today, she was supposed to be back home and reunited with their parents

Reporters visited the incident Intersection: motor vehicles and pedestrians often turn right, go straight non-motor conflict

Correspondent Chen Qinglin Sun Wah Kan Xuan Wei

Our reporter Zhang Lu Haifeng Gao Hang / text

Huang Xin / Drawing

Yesterday around 8:45, Hangzhou Stadium Road intersection cars come to the founding of the North, steady stream.

Sudden "bang", and before passers-by react, a straight ride down south to the north after the instant a woman from the south east, turn right straight white clean transport vehicles involved in the wheels.

Women's lower body was weighing 20 tons of cars tightly hold him down, unable to move, only to survive the eyes and groaning.

In case of emergency! All while calling 110 and 120 calls, while cleaning around the car and trying to lift the car, but unfortunately the car is too heavy, do not lift.

"When we arrived, the woman was also under pressure in the wheel,http://df9d7x420k.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/02/15/152308, due to lack of equipment and manpower, then again two squadrons, and finally with the help of a crane, the rescued woman and only then, after spending more than one hour. "Genshan fire squadron Chen said.

After the woman was rescued, quickly rushed to the Second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical nearby rescue, rescue half an hour, and ultimately could not save back.

Cried the woman started to drink her face still bloody, painful look

Yesterday, the reporter arrived at the scene, the woman has been rescued and sent to hospital, as well as a spot cleaner car wash roads in the vicinity there are a lot of onlookers.

Employees of a textile shop nearby, said the incident occurred, they take care of business at the store, but heard a crash, so they go out, have seen a lot of people in the crowd, and then I was a car accident.

"Seeing the scene of horrors, I feel we have a little scalp tingling, the girl looked too miserable, beginning some awareness,http://soumousin.seesaa.net, call out to drink,http://www.xdswt.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=269294, her face bloody, and later on some vague consciousness a. "textile store employee said.

Surnamed Zhu aunt in passing the intersection, also witnessed this horrible disaster since. "The girl was also under pressure in the clean car wheels, have been pressing the waist, near a large pool of blood flow with the body.

Chen recalls involved in the rescue of the people, then clean the car after the driver got off, it was in front of the scene scared went to pieces.

When faced with the traffic police inquiry, also said the situation is not clear when the accident occurred, and has repeatedly stressed that he turn right car at the time, really did not see the car and bicycle through.

Clean car driver said the car when cornering, there is no red light, but when the bike was wearing a red or green light the road, he said, is not clear.

Clean Straight Win car weighs about 20 tons of Hangzhou Environment Group is actively aftermath

After the accident, the reporter learned from Hangzhou Environment Group, shipped straight clean car accident, was loading garbage transfer station out from Liouying Lane, are destined Tianziling.

Clean straight transport vehicles in the founding of the North Stadium Road intersection and turn right from south to east, while the deceased Chen from south to north across the road bike, the result is a vehicle right rear Chen squeezed. Chen, 28, Tonglu people.

"The car was filled with garbage, vehicle load capacity is 8 tons, the vehicle has a 800 liters of water tank,http://www.8264.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the car itself weighs about 10 tons, it was the weight of the whole car is about 20 tons." A Bit staff said.

The driver was transported straight Hangzhou Solid Waste Branch two teams Xue master driver, 38-year-old, who A2 driver's license, driving experience for 17 years.

After the accident,christian louboutin homme, Hangzhou Environment Group leadership attaches great importance to the relevant person in charge of the first time went to the scene to assist the public security departments for rescue, reconnaissance and survey work site while actively cooperate hospital.

"This accident occurred, deplorable, and we express deep condolences to the victims and their families to actively deal with the aftermath, but the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the cause of the accident, find the weak links, replicability,hollister pas cher,http://bbs.qdhunshang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4660571, lessons learned,http://bbs.fjsszs.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1034039&fromuid=81228, implement ' four left off 'education,http://usedbooks1.com/cgi-bin/pseek/search.cgi, to avoid similar tragedies happen again. "Environment Group official said.

Women's Unit 5 minutes away from the scene, only the National Day was going to go home to see their parents

Yesterday evening, the reporter learned from the traffic police, the accident the driver has been controlled by the police.

Police departments informed: at 8:45 on September 30,abercrombie pas cher, 2013 Xu, Xue ×× (male, 38 years old, 17 years of driving experience) driving straight solid waste shipped Ltd. Hangzhou Zhejiang A1C9 ×× number of heavy special operations vehicles (garbage shipment of vehicles), in traveling from south to north Jianguo North Road stadium to the founding of the intersection, turn right into the stadium from the south east road during a bike and ride public Jianguo North Road from south to north in young women straight Chen ×× occur collision, causing Chen fell to the ground after the heavy special operations vehicles rolling injured, the hospital died after the accident. The case is under further investigation.

It is understood that Chen family are Tonglu people,hollister, at home, she has a sister, Chen after graduating university, a man struggling in Hangzhou, about her work, the family has been very assured.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw in the Second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical Tonglu came home from Chen's family, the family still can not believe what was happening, but can not accept the fact that her daughter away. Chen's father afford to sit on a hospital chair, mother and sister have been crying into tears.

From the family say that the work of the unit Chen Jianguo Road in the vicinity of a trading company in Hangzhou, the distance from the scene of the accident is probably only one intersection, if an accident does happen, maybe Chen five minutes later,http://www.ini3e.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, it had already started a new The day's work.

"She had this National Day holiday is going back home to see us, which erupted all gone ......" Chen's mother choked again after finished, no longer speak.


Turn right at the junction of motor vehicles

And pedestrian conflict straight

Can optimize signal settings?

Yesterday, the 67-year-old Xu also witnessed this car accident, after he scored the newspaper hotline 96068 reflects: "I often go through that intersection, turn right because the motor vehicle, pedestrian straight is green, leading to a pedestrian crossing the road junctions When motor vehicles are sometimes inexplicably entered Rendui, and danger. "

"You think, if pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles are seen in front of the green, then certainly it is safe to cross the intersection, but also reduce the psychological preparedness for motor vehicles,hollister outlet, this way, the greater the security risk is not of it ? "Mr. Xu said," Of course I know, so set up lights, intersections to improve traffic efficiency of motor vehicles to avoid congestion intersection. "

Xu suggested that local conditions can, in some high traffic road, when setting up lights, to care more about the pedestrian and non-motorized.

After listening to Mr. Xu's suggestion, the reporter again visited the trouble intersection.

Reporters found that the founding of the North Stadium Road traffic lights junction of the north-south direction is indicated as: turn right arrow indicator light is green, go straight and turn right pie lights and crosswalk lights are red from north to south, about 30 seconds duration, which within half a minute, right-turning vehicles and pedestrians are not in conflict.

After that, turn right arrow light goes out, turn right and go straight north-south crosswalk lights and pie indicator turns green at the same time, the duration of a minute or so, within this minute, right-turning vehicles and pedestrians crossing the road there is a certain conflict .

East-west traffic signal lights have similar problems.

Clerk in a convenience store near the intersection have also held view: "I think this set is not reasonable when the pedestrian lights to cross the road, turn right lane can not be closed to traffic, while the same right turn lanes, crosswalks can remain red. to avoid security risks. "

The public is advised against, at the junction of a Police Association named Liu admitted that right-turning vehicles and pedestrians crossing the road there is indeed a certain time of conflict, when the intersection so they will remind the vehicle to slow down and turn right.

"When a pedestrian is more, we'll stop right turn lane, giving priority to pedestrians crossing the road. Of course, for pedestrian uncivilized, we will give to stop."

For Mr. Xu "local conditions" proposal, the reporter learned that, in fact, many Hangzhou are tortillas lights turn right, in order to improve traffic efficiency intersection, turn right at the junction of the vehicle if the time is reduced tens of seconds, it will affect the passage of vehicles traveling straight.

An old police told reporters that the motor vehicle, the maximum principle is always safety first. If you encounter a red light at the intersection of tortillas, the vehicle can really right, but when you turn right, you must in order to ensure the security of all as a precondition.

"Local conditions" to improve the signal to set the time not a bad idea, but it should be obvious in some specific traffic intersections and junctions in order to meet the conditions apply.