"eight hours out of the thing they are

Xinhua Beijing December 12 Nisshin media news (reporter at Jenny), 38-year-old Xiao Yang (pseudonym) demobilized from the army in 2001, was assigned to a capital city of Law Enforcement Bureau,http://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.jp, at the grassroots level among street city inspectors squadron captain , one thousand is 13 years.

Meter eighty tall, sturdy figure, looks Hutouhunao hands often tucked cigarettes, Han Han laughed, but when he chatted chased this job, but it reveals a somewhat feel his honest appearance smart.

"Dry chased like guerrilla." Shaw captain start a conversation. A few years ago, he was under the jurisdiction of the newly established street urban management team, no office, street office in the corner of a large stadiums. Relying stadium walls, temporarily blocking the puzzle a few brick walls, surrounded by a more than 170 square meters of space for more than 40 inspectors to work on the inside. "There is only one window open, and some people say like a rat's nest, my heart feel good captain listened ......"

He found several times higher authorities asked for office space, leading always said, "The difficulty is temporary, to overcome what." Until he was transferred to another squadron located in suburban streets to continue as captain. Now more than a tidy office environment, but still the streets to pay rent temporary office room.

Let him work pressure is one of the biggest response to "order-preserving evaluation." Higher authorities from time to time there are 20 days in a month on the streets not designated spot,http://horseandhomes.com/faq.html?tag=鐏忓繗瀵滈懢濉籬deargod&PHPSESSID=06096806b1d425a224b21dd984499e6e, found contrary to the urban order and cleanliness of the issue will be deducted assessment points, leading men players have "almost day and night to go to work." He smiled and said it was "certainly does not rest on Saturdays, Sundays are not necessarily" because often the only day on Sunday because of a temporary assignment was occupied.

Captain Shaw's daughter 9 years old, he has almost no time to accompany her. He said that not only work pressure, stress management team is also large. "We're doing this live, the sum of the vulnerable groups to deal with, looks like a very strong, in fact, received a job after I finished my work phone, can not help but shake hands, palms are taking cold sweat."

Currently,louboutin femme pas cher, the law enforcement team XIAO Yang ranks only 15 official establishment, there are more than 20 "co-management." "The recruitment of co-management are mostly local,http://www.belovonet.ru, family money, the parents let them work through the recruitment, often driving a Mercedes to work,http://www.infrc.or.jp, riding a 'small electric donkey' go on patrol." Shaw said the captain,http://jiaoyou.88bangbang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4019769&extra=, himself an ordinary small civil tube bunch of "rich" Leaving aside the embarrassment, but also particularly worried about these "co-management" Members of the community will be some bad habits to the ranks of gambling, "eight hours out of the thing they are, they do not have to find me here? "

Speaking of his men, he also has a proud thing. Captain Shaw pointed next to a delicate female players, said: "You see, she was a college student of the science of foreign trade, especially skilled work now, even grasp what the dog also mention, the area has not been out of what has gone wrong, occasionally think, can bring out the kind of 'soldiers' or very satisfied. "

Turning work and innovation, Captain Shaw eyes "shine":? "Some bad check illegally built high-rise city, the team received a report that the door to be admitted how do take a scaffold evidence spend at least five or six thousand, We bought a small eight-rotor aircraft aerial solve the problem of evidence illegally built high-rise, this is a great innovation. "

Not high wages, limited financial funds, so he had to have extremely sensitive at each involving money and numbers. "Said dumpers steal pour muck,hogan interactive,http://www.msknet.com/bbs/mbbs.cgi, a car needs only 48 seconds to put down in the muck of a car on the road, we have to spend at least 150 dollars to clean up costs. So we are particularly troublesome for these drivers." On the other hand, heavy work pressure let him attend to too much. "We do not have the strict sense of a place this city can legally pour muck, they are not stealing my back, it will go somewhere else." He said, "does not fall in my area, he fell in other places I have tube can not. "

Office funds, and low income members, Captain Shaw would have to think of ways "to find the relevant departments to get some funding,woolrich donna," try to make everyone's life easier. "My hands it over 20 co-management, where the higher the expenditure Management Bureau recruited more than 10 district offices of funds' support to a '10, the zone is also hosting several pay me, a bit like eating a hundred family meal. "

When a reporter asked, "sources of personnel so complicated that you really listen to whom?" Shaw said captain blinked,christian louboutin homme, Urban Management Bureau superiors like the father and mother is a pro, street, like a Lao Zhangren zone, the wife's mother,http://earth.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp, when his son Well, I'm afraid Mothers better spot for it, after all, people live and eat for you ......

Speaking last eighteen Fourth Plenary Session devoted to urban management team building requests, Shaw captain scratched his head, "truths we are still learning, they said it was 'chased the spring to come,' I feel though These years bitter tired, Actually, I'm in the 'winter' in. "He said," Look at the city clean, neat, and we chased my heart is still very happy,louboutin homme pas cher, very sunny. I hope you understand more and more more support for it, China could not have chased, but the city can not in possession,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=137&page=1, you is not the reason children? "