a genuine mixing. Various wards false and real

After two separate child policy, the only son of a girl some families began to plan a second child. 29-year-old Lu Zhen, Jiangbei District, a technology company executives wulidian, pregnant with a second child in early May, a few months will bring a new life. Recently, Lu Zhen Old Woman Mom Aunt Sue suddenly raised: Erwa keep her surnamed Su, Su continuation of incense.

Old Woman is like a mother's request bomb,hogan outlet, let the house fall into the freezing point. Lu Zhen husband caught in the middle, being a mother and wife Running recite, the only 3-year-old son Little Miss music all day haha.

After the birth surname Erwa

Yesterday, the Chongqing Evening News reporter went to the Shapingba Fung Tin Road, Building 3 Tianjiao Love district, saw Lu Zhen. Her bulging more than seven months pregnant, his face filled with sorrow.

Lu said Jane, her husband Lu Ming at a securities company to work three years ago, gave birth to son, Army, early in May this year, pregnant with a second child, the whole family happy. December 8, is the Old Woman Mom Birthday Aunt Sue, and son, daughter, grandson too raw, a man happy. During the evening, Aunt Sue suddenly straight face: "Zhenzhen, Erwa after birth, surnamed Su told to me!"

Continuation of the Old Woman Mom home incense

Lu Zhen said, was listening to these words, stunned and did not predict with confidence spoon, but Aunt Sue said the reason.

Aunt Sue, 60, is a retired textile worker, no brothers, only two sisters. Last year,http://www.tochigi-edu.ed.jp/ashikagakogyo/cgi-local/robot/gwbbs.cgi, Aunt Sue deathbed holding her father's hand, said the biggest regret in this life is to let Su broken incense, unworthy of their ancestors.

Aunt Sue said his father's words lingering in her mind, Erwa born closer, thinking she repeatedly made this decision. She added, son and daughter have been named Lu big baby, Erwa surnamed Su, best of both worlds.

31-year-old told the Chongqing Evening News reporter Lu Ming, the mother made this request,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, he was stunned. "Mom and I did not talk, did not think she had the idea." In recent days the mother and Lu Zhen coexistence roof, but the cold war with each other, themselves caught in the middle, to persuade anyone not satisfied.

Young couples how to explain

Aunt Sue generous accepted Chongqing Evening News reporter, also commissioned by reporters to convey their views to the daughter. Aunt Sue said that last year his father away, shortly after her husband died,http://amanatu.com/amanatulet/?asin=B0005EZWUO, she lamented the impermanence of life. As a sister at home, have a responsibility to address incense event, hoped that his son and daughter to understand.

Sister Sue aunt also told the Chongqing Evening News reporter, their own daughter has had a baby,hogan outlet 2015, and if a second child, but also let the children with family surnamed Su.

"According to Old Woman Mom said, we have to continue Jia incense." Lu Zhen said the mother never agree with the views of the Old Woman,http://morinavi.pref.fukui.jp, toddlers do not name nor surname Lu Lu, colleagues explain how with the students, how to explain the two children ?

Chongqing Evening News reporter intern Wang Wei Wan Xin Ni

Husband and wife should be to reach a consensus


Remember to think from the perspective of love

Chongqing Normal University, Professor Zhou Xiaoyan believes that children whom surname, a small husband and wife should be the first to reach a consensus, then convene the parties announced a solution for the elderly, can not continue to delay the Cold War conflicts.

Zhou Xiaoyan said that solving problems should think from the perspective of love. Old Woman Mom hopes Erwa with his name, and out of filial love, if Erwa Old Woman with mom surname, a wife can put on filial piety and love from childhood stories to tell the children. If both parties are out of love, we must stand each other of perspective. Older decentralization proposal to allow the young couple to make the final decision. Perhaps, after all, the joint title of hyphenated solutions.

Chongqing Dragon Tower � lawyer Zhu Cheng said the father's surname or the mother's surname according to the Marriage Act, the principle of citizenship, there are legitimate reasons can also select other surnames. Citizens enjoy the right to a name, surname after Erwa birth regardless of what an adult has the right to change the name in accordance with the provisions.

University of five roommates

Part-time "Ghost" actress

Chongqing Evening News recently, with the theme of horror hospital tour Fujiki hospital stay Yuzhong Jiefangbei Bayi, various ghost doctors, nurses, ghosts,http://aim-high-sports.org/index.php?option=com_mailto&tmpl=component&link=fee7973435bba927a7bcf22647575bf790666280, ghosts patient played by a real person.

These actors are mostly college students and young people over 20 years old, a part-time one day pay 100 yuan. Compared to other part-time actor more out of interest.

Xie Tingzheng 22 years old,christian louboutin homme, Chongqing University third-year students, and four roommates are horror fans. "For a little fatigued horror film, wants to add a bit of a new experience." Xieting Zheng said. A few days ago to see the horror hospital part-time opportunity, we are interested in, then one up. Xie Tingzheng theater play doctor,http://www.ad.cyberhome.ne.jp/~k-morita/clip/papalani.cgi, and the same dress two dummies stay in one room, scary secret is, the customer suddenly scary resolved before real dummy.

"How to put the customer intimidated, we are wondering. I understand this role, the silence speaks,http://corpus.leeds.ac.uk, do not necessarily need the lines. After serving customers more, we see the reaction did not know it." Xieting Zheng said.

Technical guidance hospital told the Chongqing Evening News reporter Zhang Weilong, horror hospital room layout is not the same in each of the actors with different requirements, and some need to exaggerate, and some relatively conservative. In short, the actors are encouraged to add their own understanding of a variety of performances.

Horror hospitals how to play more interesting? Yesterday, after the experience of those who have played a summary: a genuine mixing. Various wards false and real, both filled dressed exactly the same, with the light is dim, it is difficult not tell, do not act rashly; two, before and after the attack method. Ward has cabinets,boutique louboutin paris, tables and other furnishings,air jordan femme pas cher, some actors would hide behind the sudden jump out to scare people. Back when the moment was scared, but a ghost out, there must be psychologically prepared; three, each room curtain partition, layers more or less, at any time there may be frightened.

Fung, head of the hospital to remind patients of heart disease, hypertension, thrombosis, and other mental disorders do not receive.

Heart Snow counseling room psychologist Fang Min reminded horror theme hospitals use the collective unconscious people, that fear of the unknown. To place before the terrorist theme garden, should be carefully considered.

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Chongqing Evening News reporter intern Jia Du Shi Zongwei hon sinks