
Charity CNR network Beijing August 24 news (reporter Wen Fei), according to Voice of China "peak evening news" reported recently, a project called "ice bucket challenge" rapidly "popular", the domestic stars, the biggest names have debut "wet body" appearance,http://www.paore.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=397374&fromuid=67326, as of August 21, "Ice Bucket Challenge" topic on Sina Weibo read volume has more than 1 billion times.

August 22, in the Ministry of Civil Affairs called for "Ice Bucket Challenge" should avoid the tendency of entertainment next day, claiming to be "Chen carbon", like to show his identity philanthropist Chen cursor on the microblogging show their complete "Ice Bucket Challenge" photos and video. In the micro-Bo, Chen cursor claiming completed a squat 30 minutes in an ice bucket new record, if someone says he is beyond donations. Chen cursor is to say: "Today marked brother squatting in an ice bucket for 30 minutes, 30 minutes brother who can challenge the record label, Columbia donate one million mark, valid for six days in the ice bucket is almost no waste water at night. staff meals do use. "microblogging also with related images, videos,vendita borse prada, up to now has been forwarded 24,000 times, reviews 17000 times.

However, Chen target a move that has led to netizens questioned. The first is the truth of the ice. Chen cursor to publish photos and videos, you can see part of the larger ice smashed by big ice, the other part is the regular appearance of small ice. Weibo Verified for "Sina micro-public philanthropic group member" just let Dorje in microblogging said, "when poured out from the bucket shower head,http://www.swindonreds.co.uk/forums/t/1345681.aspx, small sink to the bottom of the ice is, is false." Just let Dorjee still microblogging upload pictures, noting Chen cursor should be used for factory direct acrylic ice cubes simulation. In this regard, Chen cursor in an exclusive interview with the Voice of China correspondent response, large ice is bought from the crematorium, and small ice company is a refrigerator with homemade ice lattice:

Chen cursor: the ice is certainly true, there were 5,6 media at the scene, can not be fake ice. Questioned a small ice mold our company to produce their own, can not be false, then the media at the scene to witness, everyone to see.

In addition, users also questioned the human tolerance Chen cursor lying. Weibo users called "Iron Man,https://fis.encs.concordia.ca/helpdesk-cgi/quota.cgi," said the limit of human survival in the ice-water mixture at 0 degrees, only a few minutes,http://forum.symbianity.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=23901396,barberino outlet woolrich, even if the US SEALs, spent 10 minutes is the limit. Video is only one possible, the head of the fallen at the beginning of the keg is more than 30 degrees of warm water and leave the ice, and finally to the surface of the ice scoop is indeed true, but because it is necessary to melt into the warm water constantly kept inside scoop . In this regard, Chen cursor responded that there are a number of reporters at the scene witnessed his record, but the specific identity to reporters, Chen cursor indicates disclose:

Chen cursor: we can see the world in the frozen spent five hours inside people how to say it again? There are five hours, there are three hours in freezing inside four or five hours to be two or three hours there,http://xm.gztcdj.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=690637, you have to check in online, ah, my fitness is so good! Right, who do not believe, I would squat thirty minutes to allow him to donate a million, I'm thirty minutes ice time to give them a look inside the squat chant, he would say I'm the ice is false, let him get ice, I squat a thirty minutes no problem, so he donated ten million I can go squat.

Well,moncler chamonix, the human body to survive in ice-water mixture at 0 degrees the limit in the end how long? To this end, the reporter also interviewed medical experts.

Medical experts: normal physical contact 0 degrees ice-water mixture environment, if a long time, such as 1,2 hours, it may cause some damage, the skin will gradually become the type or necrosis. But for normal people in a short time will not cause too much damage. In addition, large differences in the human body, usually have this alpine region cold and exercise,http://www.448030.com/index.php/read.php?tid=1, and his endurance is longer. Without such exercise or protection measures, and tolerance should be worse.

Chen cursor, said he participated in "ice bucket challenge" is to let more people concerned about people getting cold symptoms, but also to be able to make this event come to an end:

Chen cursor: Because I do environmental protection,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=96988/, usually promoted to save water, electricity, a lot of people pass on such a waste of water,woolrich uomo arctic parka, too, so I made the ultimate purpose of this ice bucket challenge is to get more people are concerned about getting freezing, the ultimate challenge,woolrich borse, and I sat there in the ice water for 30 minutes, which is the host timing. I want to challenge the limits of newcomers all done by me in this way, more people would like to announce the end of the ice bucket to this challenge, not to engage in, and then engage in too much water go to waste.

As for the amount of the donations, Chen cursor indicates temporarily disclose:

Chen cursor: Number of temporary donations are confidential. As far as I see understand the Internet,http://bbs.vlover.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=743044&fromuid=198344, is now first. My question to all the criticism does not matter, I do not have a so-called. I do not afraid of any of the voices of doubt and criticism.

(Original title: ice bucket challenge alleged fraud Chen cursor: ice absolutely true fitness is absolutely good)