". The photo is not a show

BEIJING, March 22 Harbin Electric (Reporter Zhu Xiaoying bell l) 22, the reporter to follow Jiangsu Huangpu Recycling Resources Ltd. Chairman Chen cursor to go to Harbin visit. During the "two sessions" had to wear the national dress armed with bombs, according to Lei Feng, Chen cursor said: ". The photo is not a show, so that young people can understand the spirit of Lei Feng is no longer confused"

Until early Attitude "low-key this year, the 80% reduction in exposure" in the country "two sessions" this year, he issued one thousand free bicycles in Beijing environmental protection, wear a dress Lei Feng Lei Feng spirit advocated armed bombs,http://home.lznews.gov.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=253216, set off again the media boom. Lei Feng wear handheld equipment bombs microblogging issued photo once attracted onlookers immediately forwarded the country, certainly,store moncler, and the voices of doubt and so forth.

"I think this picture is not a show,woolrich xs, and now a lot of '80 ''90 after' children,http://www.extremejaps.com,louboutin rouge, feelings of Lei Feng, Lei Feng spirit awareness is not enough, I want to tell this '80 ''90 after' These young people,hogan donna outlet, promote the spirit of Lei Feng,http://worldol.com/bbs/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Lei Feng spirit of inheritance (himself) will be successful. Lei Feng spirit of what? plain living, helping others,http://www.izuzuki.com, selflessness, dedication of 'screw' spirit, I believe that this spirit is to promote the success of young people the inevitable road, this spirit will help young people grow rapidly, (young people) will not be confused, truly understand the Lei Feng spirit,http://modx.jp.net, not confused. "Chen said cursor.

In Beijing "dressed" Before Lei Feng, he had to do in Nanjing exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Lei Feng and his own collection of nearly 20 years of Lei Feng 400 photos made display panels, play Lei Feng movie scene, recite prose poem he had done. "miss Lei Feng", and Lei Feng in Beijing wearing the dress but also his own collection.

Chen cursor, said: "I grew up worshiping Lei Feng, Lei Feng is my idol,http://www.ingc.jp,outlet woolrich toscana,http://aipmm.org, I was a fan of Lei Feng, the most profound childhood gave me three words: 'a good example to learn from Lei Feng, loyal to the party loyal to the revolution, the end of the gun over the Lei Feng '. "

In addition, this year's "low-key" after the charity program, Chen cursor, said during the "two sessions" nationwide free distribution of bicycles "is just a start,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=86&page=2"," but there is no consideration of the future of hair in which city . Prior to apply to Taiwan university lectures environmental and charitable idea, issuing one thousand bicycles in Taiwan refused, saying "There is no relationship will continue to apply." Even during Heilongjiang, he brought more than 2,000 bags have all been distributed to local cities and counties entrepreneurs. (End)