Miss. Got to know all right.

Core Tip passenger lift, we all know that it is for passenger shelter, provide a safe place to ride. However, in the Oasis county transportation department spent hundreds of million of five towns built up passenger actually have abandoned, which was full of weeds. Well, this one of the reasons in the end what is it?

Hundreds of yuan to build Terminal overgrown weeds

According to the masses, the reporter went to Oasis County, first came to the East Terminal Gou. Compared with the surrounding buildings, which share up to three acres of land, construction area of 200 square meters of passenger seem impressive. Local villagers said that the construction of houses of this size needs at least 30 million. Reporter walked into the yard, I saw barren weeds, if they had never stopped the car. In the waiting room and ticket office, the reporter saw, there is actually stacked near the village of winter vegetables. Villagers Zhangquan You say that these things are temporary placed him here.

Reporter: This station was built up for years?

Zhangquan You (Oasis County Gou villagers): two years, by the end of 2007 it built up.

Reporter: used?

Zhangquan You: never used, there is no faction came. Feel pity.

Leave East Gou, the reporter went to the county town of Oasis. Here, the reporter saw Town Bus Station is impressive, equally, which filled the villagers for food and clothing and furniture.

Baishuang Hu (villagers): This is my place, and I look at these houses have been useless, put his things on the inside.

Reporter: This built up for years?

Baishuang Hu: two years,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, has been useless.

In the temple bay Oasis County, Shimen Township, township high post, the reporter saw the same scene: the construction of the passenger terminal, are in abandoned state.

Terminal abandoned Secretary said few people do not have access

Passenger Terminal is to regulate the construction market, to facilitate passenger travel. So the county built passenger Oasis how it ruined not? Our reporter visited the bus drivers and local transportation departments.

In Oasis County, reporter first came in charge of the Department of Transportation Passenger interviewed Secretary build South Island.

Reporter: What time is the construction of Terminal?

South Africa built (Oasis County Transportation Secretary): the end of 2007 it built up. It spent a total of a few passenger over 140 million.

Reporter: What is the purpose of the construction of the passenger terminal,louboutin pas cher?

South Africa built: the purpose is to facilitate the passengers, but also to facilitate the transportation management.

Reporter: So, now, these aim to reach it?

South Africa built: no.

Reporter: What is the reason?

South Africa built: mainly we like you here in Xi'an, but few people here, so we do not go to the station inside the car, stop the car on the road, waving like a stop, so easy, so do not stop the vehicle a.

According to the reporter, buses run Oasis County is not one or two years time, the villagers along the block in the car ride is a traditional habit. However, since it is so, then why build these Terminal it?

South Africa built: the main requirements of the Ministry of Transportation, they require us to build, so repair.

Bus stop rampant black car is difficult to do business

According to the Secretary said,hogan outlet, the abandoned bus terminal, in terms of the subjective or objective is inevitable, seems to have no relationship with them. So, what is it reality? Bus drivers who tells the truth to reporters.

Reporter: Do you want to stop,http://www.cxy888.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=40083&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=136825?

Bus drivers: how do not want? People stop, the car owned by points, which is what a good thing, a passenger in the car at the station, we are convenient. We do not pull people running the streets, as much danger.

Reporter: So why do not you stop?

Driver: how into? The streets are black car, we pitted black car on the outside of the people away, and you say we go in doing?

Reporter: How many cars do you have,http://home.51derek.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=294402&extra=? Black car more?

Driver: We have 20 cars. Black car, the more, the light of this line have fifty or sixty-two. You see, that is, those cars.

After pointing bus drivers, reporters discovered that the original, which is filled with prowling the car, that is, with the bus undercut the black car. Bus driver told reporters that the illegal operations of black cars are cars, pull less each person, and flexible, run fast, plus do not pay any taxes, so the black car business is better than theirs much more. Ever since the black car, which they had no legitimate business vehicles seen better days.

Driver: a day to run two back, earn 100 dollars, burning oil on the seventy to eighty dollars a day to earn just enough to pay for a bowl of soy pan surface.

Driver: purely to serve the people.

Reporter: Do you give the departments concerned before?

Driver: reflecting back hundreds, nobody.

Drivers say that due to the administrative department in charge of the local traffic combat ineffective, resulting in a black car Oasis County flooded. In order to feed their families under, but unfortunately,http://bbs.mianzhus.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=211974, they have to fight the way through to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Driver: often beat, light and black car I recently played twice, no way.

Black car nobody authorities said hard evidence

From the above investigation, the vehicle also want to enter the legitimate operation of the terminal, but because the black car arrogant. Go to pull less than the guests. So, they had to attract customers in the street. So, why can nobody these black car it? Let us listen to the truth of it black truck drivers.

According to Pakistani driver say, from county to county Oasis Xiasiwan black car had five, sixty, three times the legal operator of the vehicle, really so much? Reporter casually sat three black car, the answer basically the same.

Reporter: Like many of you this car?

Black car drivers: There are sixty five.

Reporter: How many a day can earn?

Black car drivers: one day ran at least four times, burning gas, a back and forth only thirty dollars to burn gas, earn 70 a day is more than 200. Earn seven or eight million a year.

There is such a good income, no wonder black car Oasis county so arrogant. Then, as the traffic administrative department, Oasis county transportation management why no matter what?

Extension Baofeng (Oasis, deputy director of the county transportation management): No matter, is hard evidence, so I can not manage.

A cat and mouse is difficult to control or whether

Evidence really difficult? Reporters interviewed the four days at Oasis county,http://www.kct.or.jp, never found the road transportation management staff of inspectors. The fourth day, when reporters in unannounced visits black car, but found transportation management personnel of law enforcement vehicles parked together just like black.

Reporter: go Xiasiwan it?

Driver: We are in control of these vehicles, how can we go?

The original already is one of cat and mouse. Reporters look closely, the car people really are wearing clothing transport tube. Just then, a black truck driver came to reporters in front, let the reporter in his car.

Black car drivers: Xiasiwan, go on the front of the car.

Just when reporters just want to follow,http://etheatrix01.eplus2.jp, perhaps aware of what transportation management personnel suddenly shouted.

Transportation management personnel: can not pull,http://yydb.2u.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=994812&fromuid=288050, not pull.

Black truck driver heard the cry,moncler outlet, and immediately ran away. Black car drivers in the transport tube nose soliciting, transportation management said bad evidence. It seems, there is a novelty. Sure enough, the other a black truck driver tells the truth to reporters.

Redknapp (black truck driver): traffic, transportation management must get, fix, you will get a penalty was not. How to get? I tell you, the heavy bag to the next two rat poison.

Reporter: ye next?

Redknapp: money, eating, playing, Miss. Got to know all right.

The driver told reporters, just beginning to open up relations need to spend a lot of money to get through after the other relations, things would be much easier.

Redknapp: a brief look,http://www.dachengkitchen.com/news/html/?141923.html, tobacco delivery point on a few hundred dollars, a good relationship, do not send money, give a few chicken, steamed bun get some oil.

The master said, so and transport iron pipe to get a relationship, if you want the deduction of transportation management, have to ask him.

Redknapp: under the hardest circumstances, all out today, hitting the car, and my skin is hard, hit the country? Penalty is not a penalty but, not buckle buckle again. Zenong? He'll give you something good to say: into the open into the open, afraid, under penalty of have my money, and how? You two or three days to drive. Twenty-three days is too long, I have to make money. Well, you come to open tomorrow.

Reporter: The scene was to cope with what?

Redknapp: right, rumbled into the open, to go tomorrow morning, brought the key to the car. Oh, the phone a dozen, are you looking to go to get a key, and opened out roaring rumble.

Investigation in a circle, the reporter finally figured out five townships passenger Oasis county deserted why. However, when reporters reflect Oasis County Department of Transportation to the crux of this issue, the Secretary's answer was unexpected traffic.

South statehood (Oasis County Transportation Secretary): black car, but no way to govern, because good evidence. All over the country so that not only are we here.

Reporter: Do you go on like this,woolrich uomo?

South statehood: Anyway, our approach is not much.

Well, is not like the director said, because the evidence is difficult, so the black car can not manage it? A black truck driver tells the reason behind.

Redknapp: one is black ruffian,louboutin soldes, one is hard relationship, one is one of us, not control.

National Investment Code after more than 100 million passenger terminal building so full of weeds, and the streets running black car no one managed, Oasis county passenger market so chaotic, it seems, is not the evidence can not be the problem, but related departments simply do not want the tube, leaving a black car flooding. As such, how can we create a fair competition order? (Contributed by: Shaanxi TV "Today Click")