funerary objects

"Legal Weekly" trainee reporter correspondent Yangzijiang Chenwen Ya Wu Sijie

8 artificial Tomb "dig three feet," stole a number of treasures from the Warring States Period,moncler uomo outlet, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province Chaling County tomb, originally thought to bring wealth of treasures you can find buyers told them,, "This thing worthless, "which allow thieves who blindsided. February 18, 2014, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province Chaling County People's Procuratorate and other three Tomb celebrate a per capita excavation of ancient tombs alleged crime to be arrested.

He a, Jiangxi, this year has been more than 50 of the robbery he was convicted and imprisoned. A few years ago, a greeting released from prison, but was released from prison after he did not turn over a new leaf, but wondered "do something", just the same as the Compromise of Wangmou brought him such a "chance . "

July 2013,]wxpi,parajumpers homme, Chaling County has passed a cemetery information Wangmou ears, he passed a place called "Oscars" of the friend found a local chaling surnamed Ho. Subsequently, including HE Wangmou got a five associates, including adding and reach an agreement, agreed after a successful Tomb,, loot equally.

Subsequently,,moncler sito ufficiale,, eight people were divided into two sets. Ready to take advantage of the wave of advance responsible mining blowers and other tools of crime cemetery,woolrich sito ufficiale, another call is responsible for, respectively, in the periphery and near the sentry, others to avoid being discovered. Ryu from entering the cemetery to lay a hole at the theft.

After a few back and forth, Liu stolen from the cemetery a dozen pieces of funerary objects, including six large samples and four bronze grave goods like small pieces of funerary goods,, after something hand, several people immediately left the scene.

Congratulated certain people to find a buyer, but found that others do not. Buyers tell them these things simply do not worthless. Waste effort also violate the law, the result is to get some worthless things, which makes certain people He blindsided.

Tomb behavior soon became public, in January 2014, and three people should celebrate a court summons and appearing in court, while police in the search process, still celebrate a residence to find some of the Qing Dynasty antiques,hogan 2014, it is likely to prove not the first once implemented Tomb behavior.

Recently, these relics have been recovered Warring States. February 18, 2014, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province Chaling County People's Procuratorate and other three Tomb celebrate a per capita excavation of ancient tombs alleged crime to be arrested.

The grave goods such as greeting a really worthless,, who said it? In fact, the cultural relics and precious relics into general heritage, including precious relics one, two, three, and identified by the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, part of the stolen items belong to the Warring States period,, funerary objects, three national heritage, has more important history, artistic or scientific value.

Currently, the case is still under further investigation.