and tells the story of what has happened

Yellowstone three swimming Friends morning swim ashore for lunch drank two bottles of liquor, two of them into the water and then swim meet. Unexpectedly, 57-year-old female swimmer from kiln marshland after Ailan sink again into the water unconscious, drifting along the Yangtze River, has dark, Fen tour after about 1 hour to wake up the town pier Ruichang City Kobold Rocky waters rescued.

From 15:00 marshland in Yellowstone in the kiln into the water, to the next day 1:00 rescued more in Ruichang, drunken Shen Allan in the Yangtze River rafting the 10 hours. October 12, Shen Ailan town pier with a friend to go to the Soviet Union Village, Li Chunfu to rescue the main couple thanks. Witnesses said, in a coma Shen Ailan, 75 km on the Yangtze River rafting survivors, there really is a miracle; while Li Chunfu couple rushed to save the night, highlighting the mortal charity.


Early morning call for help

This year, 52-year-old Li Chunfu, Jiangxi Province in the port town of Ruichang nugget Angeles opened a ship repair company, its location near the Yangtze River, his usual room and board are all here.

The evening of July 22,, Li Chunfu gout doing it again,tiffany outlet, feet hurt that he did not sleep well. 1:00 o'clock, Li Chunfu vaguely heard someone shouting "help", he thought it was a dream; but the cries for help getting real, Li Chunfu quickly turning up, bring flashlights, and woke his wife Weidong Gui, to the riverside ran.

Yangtze River, 57-year-old Shen Allan is struggling swirl, spit water choked, she hurried call for help. Allan who saw Shen Li Chunfu set with life buoy, a sigh of relief, Shen Allan shouted loudly, do not worry.

Kobold Angeles water is no law, constantly changing direction. Li Chunfu light guide with a flashlight and quickly sink Ailan swim towards the shore, but the direction of changing the water makes it difficult Shen Ailan dock,, swim a short distance and was brought to reflux river.

Li Chunfu back to the company to find a ladder, thrown to the river, Shen Ailan want to seize, then floating dock. But Shen Ailan not been caught, it was the river washed away the ladder.

In the river not far from being docked barge, swimmers were rushing water sucked into the bottom, is the most dangerous thing. Seeing Shen Allan barge from getting closer, Li Chunfu very anxious.

At this time, another shore residents Zhudong Song Jiang also heard movement, quickly alarm. Pier 110 Ruichang police station Alarming single display,, alarm time at 1:24:34 on on July 23.

The company's workers and villagers who heard also involved in the rescue. Panic, Li Chunfu got about three meters long period of triangular rope, made a circle, even from a long rope, and then the same as the net to throw to, Douzhu Shen Ailan waist. After the success, he endured the foot pain, slowly pulling force to the shore; Shen Allan is also combined with the water swim to shore.

Finally landed, Shen Ailan cried. At this point, the police station two police dock week of the world, Cao Yaobang also rushed to the scene. Li Chunfu recalls: "Pull up, smell her body with alcohol."


Drink and swim

Li Chunfu and his wife Elaine Shen Weidong Gui will help to house, burning hot,, find clean clothes, the following section, while Shen Allan appease emotions.

Shen calm Ailan memories, July 22 morning, she and two friends Brother Zhang Yong, Huang brother together in the kiln after Yellowstone in the marshland water swimming ashore, three on Yellowstone Boulevard restaurant to find a home for dinner, "three To the four special individual bottles of wine, I probably drank eight ounces. "

After lunch about two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang brother have prior home, "Huang brother also drink a lot, we say go swimming." They then returned to the kiln dangling marshland.

Shen Ailan memories, about three o'clock, she took the lead into the water,\"/, "I did not bring any life-saving equipment, and under the water on the faint, and so on and then woke up, they were still on the river, it was already dark, the hair garbage and other debris wrapped around a stick. "

Shen Allan is a land of people, a child learn to swim, you can cross the Yangtze River middle school, retired from Huangshi City Port Authority, swimming, running has become a required course for her every day. But drunken swim the first time.

Shen Allan's son working in Shenzhen, after his wife died two years ago, Shen Ailan to Yellowstone in the city to take care of 90-year-old bedridden mother. "After the water woke up, I thought he was still in Yellowstone, I looked at the days are dark, the first thought that my mother did not eat, I want to go back to her cooking."

So Shen Ailan struggling to shore tour, but strong currents have pushed her downstream.

After about an hour, only to see Shen Ailan ships have in the past, then shouted for help. However, some vessels had a chance to respond, she drifted down again with the water. Hubei and Jiangxi enforcement people on the base of the vessel Yangtze River Water Resources Commission Water Administration Supervision Detachment provincial border mining management heard her call for help, he gave her to throw a life preserver.

Shen Allan With this life preserver, and struggling to want to swim to shore up the couple, who met Li Fuchun,louboutin, only a smooth landing.



July 23 morning, Shen Ailan short break after landing, two policemen of the police station to see her dock more normal state, we asked her about her family's phone, then to her nephew and nephew in Yellowstone's call: "Shen Allan to drift from Yellowstone nine Jiang Ruichang, ask you to take her home. "Over the phone, her family was shocked.

Subsequently, Li Fuchun and his wife has not been sleeping, keep in Chen Ailan side. Early in the morning, Shen Ailan nephew and nephew arrived the town pier, saw Shen Ailan; then, Li Fuchun and Weidong Gui are going to sink into the streets to buy breakfast Allan. After breakfast, Shen Allan put his family brought clothes and returned to Yellowstone.

Back to Yellowstone, the sink to the kiln Ailan marshland find their clothes into the water before, but did not find. Her brother to find yellow, yellow clothes brother is home, "he said he was too gooey fans,nike tn italia, only to see my clothes did not see my people, to help me clothes to take home." Shen Allan memories.

Drink and swim almost killed, Shen Ailan say family feared blame,air max pas cher homme, but also afraid of friends around a joke, it has not been quiet. But she was grateful for the couple Li Fuchun, want to personally thank farewell but hurry, did not leave the phone a couple Lee, who worry that they can not find a place, "to think of the New Year and other son came home to find ways to thank . "

National Day after a morning run, ran chat, sink with running friends Huang Yujing Allan could not talk about it. is impatient, I feel thankful that things can not wait, "I said, gratitude as early as possible, I can not find where to contact you."

Subsequently, the police found the Fuchun Huang Yujing by phone. Wuhu Fuchun defer to business negotiation time, will become increasingly heavy in October 12 Allan row.

Before departure, a friend was kind enough to sink Allan said, do not go well, if someone asks you for help money?


Thanks lasting bonds

At 10:30 on October 12, at the town pier Ruichang nugget Angeles, the car pulled Elaine Shen Li Fuchun,,air max pas cher femme, Weidong Gui couple's hand tightly.

Under excitement,, Shen Ailan speechless. She bought a bunch of stuff, which attracted the attention of two items. A red sweater, gave Weidong Gui Shen Allan said: "Sister you long to live in the river, windy, cold weather is coming, sweaters need it." A new pair of red slippers, be returned Weidong Gui "because at that time my nephew, nephew came in a hurry, just give me clothes from home, not with the shoes, my sister said, kindly let me put her slippers to wear to go back. I put a pair of shoes to stay at home as a souvenir, buy a pair of new back-intentioned people. "

Li Chunfu native of Wuxue, poor childhood home, he first made welding apprentice, then do your own business repairing shipbuilder,, has become known for the rich hotshot. In 2004, he began working in the village, led the villagers to get rich together.

Shen Ailan face thanks Fuchun said: "I work in the river, as long as someone else has run into trouble, will be shot rescue, which is the average person supposed to do." Li Fuchun most impressive one, big winter, a couples quarrel, shortness of breath, under the woman a river, Li Fuchun water rescue, "come to understand what is biting cold."

Shen Li Fuchun couple with Allan looked at the time of the rescue line location, and tells the story of what has happened, when it comes to thrilling place, Shen Ailan fearful. Swimming faithful analysis, all the way down to 75 km of waterways, along with Xisaishan whirl flow section of the river, yellow stone plinth mouth banbishan River rapids, Wuxue River sailing-intensive advantageous place, can survive a miracle.

Drunken coma state, still floating 10 hours, incredible. Huangshi City Winter Swimming Association team, Yellowstone's first "female Iron Man" Hu Ping and swimming faithful analysis of these possibilities, one sink Ailan good water, under a coma still swinging hands and feet to maintain balance; the second is the body's overall density of water is almost the same , face down on the relaxed state, to ensure smooth breathing; Third Shen Ailan noon and feed to keep body heat storage, even after waking up can Fen tour.

Shen Li Fuchun told Allan: "After drinking, do not go swimming, are not always so good luck."

□ reporter Wang Huan Dong Wen / map