using a Sike seal the education sector

□ Morning News reporters Huang Huiqing and Tong Xunyuan Gongwen Rong
Qin Yuan (a pseudonym) sitting in jail,, prosecutors bow to answer questions, sometimes sigh sometimes silence. Social welfare anyone who can not be in front of the 20 victims of the alleged fraud of nearly 10 million people and the Beijing Olympic torch, and actively participate in the earthquake relief linked.
Qin remoteness fraud is fraud Yangpu's Procuratorate prosecuted according to the law, a few days ago, Yangpu People's Court sentenced him to three years and nine months in prison, a fine of 5000 yuan.
From the "blood king" to torchbearer
Qin far have been touching story. He is HR-negative blood, commonly known as "panda blood." The city needs to take into account the blood Yong Xueliang 0.3 tons per year, he decided to join the blood donation volunteers, and every 400 ml of blood donation.
2001 APEC meetings, conferences and major events during the SARS period, the Women's World Cup in 2003,, Qin far as reserve volunteer blood donation,jordan femme pas cher, blood banks to guarantee an adequate supply contributed.
2008, when Qin far elected Beijing Olympics torchbearer in Shanghai, the cumulative donation has reached ten thousand milliliters.
Olympic torch after the election,, Qin far deeds were slowly being known. At the same time, Qin far more actively involved in public welfare. During the earthquake, he will own the Olympic torch auction,tiffany roma, proceeds from donations to the disaster area students.
Claiming to be able to "get" schooling
With the enhancement of visibility, Qin far circle of friends gradually expanding. However, an honorary welfare brought him after all he can not meet the needs of the growing material.
In fact,gucci outlet,, the Qin far no fixed job, "public person" is his only identity. After his son was born, the family of three wives alone Qin far to go to work to maintain the life of a person, even more stretched. After the Beijing Olympics boom faded, social activities corresponding reduction Qin far, staying at home since he figured how to use their "celebrity" to point to their "benefits."
Qin far because there are many friends and relatives working in the education system, so he and the basic situation of the education system, some well-known nursery,, primary person responsible for a better understanding. In association with others, intentionally or unintentionally, Qin far talked about his leadership familiar with the education system, and the "do given" schooling kindergartens, primary schools.
With the gradual diffusion of messages, some eager to find the relationship, the trust school parents will find the Qin far, which he generosity, and ask for 2000-20000 yuan, ranging from "commission." After receiving the money, Qin said that the situation is far have been completed and handed over to them a written child's name, stamped with the official seal of the District Education Bureau admission notice.
Sike seal forged notice
September 1 last year,, when 20 parents with children, armed with the admission notice, expectantly report came to the school when he was told deceived.
Extremely angry parents have to find Qin far to seek explanation,nike tn requin pas cher, but he had expected to report on the occasion of the opening that is when things brought to light, the so take off, left here for other ways to escape.
September 2, police in Shanghai, Suzhou hotel will Qin far arrested.
After appearing in court, Qin far confessed last year from June to August, due to lack of money and vanity, knowing that there is no capacity in the case, still promises to help the trustees of the children to kindergarten or primary school designated. In just two months, Qin far collected a total of 20 parents of nearly 10 million commission.
When police arrested Qin away from the side to find a "bookkeeping alone," one by one listed above, the object and the amount of their commissions in charge.
After charging commissions of others, in order to allow the victim convinced Qin forged admission notice far more kindergartens, primary schools from the network to download the template, and stamped with the education sector and related school forged seal, using these forged admission notice Book has defrauding money 20 victims.
Prosecutors said Qin far to achieve the purpose of deceiving the victim, using a Sike seal the education sector,scarpe hogan donna, forgery means admission notice, which means behavior and results were committing acts of crime and fraud forged documents state organs, are Implicated, should choose a felony place. Because fraud is higher than the fixed penalty forged documents state organs crime, therefore, their prosecution for fraud prosecuted according to law.
Prosecutors remind parents in school enrollment stage,, should pay attention to the school admissions and recruiting methods link and note the Office of Academic Affairs, Admissions Office Tel. Once admitted,, the school after receiving notification letter or telephone notification, schools may wish to inquiries, confirm admission status.
(Original title: Olympic torch lied to help people enrolled scams 100,000)
Edit: SN054