the case is still under investigation.

Traffic police on duty
At 1:30 on May 9,, 48-year-old MIANNING Liangshan County Public Security Bureau police battalion and feed in the line of duty,air max homme pas cher,, was an Austrian license plate for the E H06571 Dragons compacted cement tanker hit the spot sacrifice. The investigation,, cement tanker severe overloading, driver fatigue driving. Currently, the case is still under investigation.
Others shouted the driver was "awake" Come
May 8, Sichuan Oriental Logistics Limited from large hydropower equipment Leshan carrier of national key projects Hydropower Station will pass through 108 National Road. And into the County Public Security Bureau received a MIANNING arrangements, responsible for the escort to clear the way. Around at 1:00 on May 9,christian louboutin homme,, the team arrived in Lugu town, and into the road and traffic officers together with field reconnaissance on the road, indicating the wide selection of vehicles traveling the road the car will stop.
At this time, a giant cement tanker suddenly coming, and will hit the ground directly into the left front wheel and into the left leg from the beginning has been rolling up, the presence of the police shouting,louis vuitton outlet italia, cement tanker driver who recovered, slow in front of the car about two meters backwards, but into an instant hit and bleeding.
After 10 minutes, Mianning Second People's Hospital 120 ambulance arrived at the scene first aid,louis vuitton outlet italia, but still save and feed died. Doctors declared: ribs and into all the pressure off, pulse, heartbeat stops beating, has no vital signs.
He also wore slippers driver fatigue driving
After Xichang City Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Brigade of the investigation, the accident cement tanker driver named Wang Xiaojun, 30 years old,, Hubei.
May 8 8:00 pm,,hogan sito ufficiale, he was driving plate for the E H06571 cement tanker departure from the West County,, ready to go to the RTS Manshuiwan Jinping Hydropower Station. When the morning driving to Lugu town, has been asleep in the car. Dormant Xiaojun not see the flashing lights and roadside stops fleet, until when he found it too hard to the left direction, the tanker crossed the center line on the road 20 meters wide road, and directly into the knocked rolling,, under the car when he heard someone shout, before the tanker stopped.
Asked by police investigators, Wang Xiaojun admit wear slippers to drive, did not take any emergency brake before the accident.
Lu Weimin Post reporter intern had cotinine Zhuo Lin (Photo by traffic police corps)