sister did not call for help to resist

Taiwan News Online July 23 hearing a Taiwanese man surnamed Deng lived with his wife and her parents, one night in May this year, 17-year-old sister into the room to touch their sexual assault to succeed, it has been argued that he afterwards wrong room,hogan sito ufficiale, mistook sister When his wife.
According to Taiwan's "United Daily News" reported that her family lived with his wife,, surnamed Deng, one night in May this year, 17-year-old sister into the room to touch their sexual assault to succeed, it has been argued that he afterwards wrong room,, mistook sister When his wife, but prosecutors believe Deng wife's parents live at home 4-5 years, my wife and sister a fat one thin, how could a mistake? 22, Taiwan prosecutors indicted the Deng law.
30s surnamed Deng and his wife married,, because of economic factors,, a family of four lived in the home, living with her parents in addition to Deng, as well as three sister, May 8 this year,,hogan outlet 2015, Deng's parents - back to the south to deal with things, Deng see the youngest only 17 years old, younger sister bullied,chaussures louboutin hommes, they support his wife and two other sister to sleep, turn off the lights in the touch into sister's room. See gangster brother sister is, first scare did not dare move, they do not dare to take into account her sister for help, surnamed Deng sexual assault to succeed, and the victim fled to a friend's house the next morning rush staying, not back.
Later her parents about the incident,,air jordan discount, surnamed Deng scolding no humanity, Deng admitted committing the line, but argued that the lights dim night he would cast the wrong room under a big mistake, her family can not accept, so hurry police.
According to the investigation, the prosecutors said, surnamed Deng, the night the house lights dim, himself the wrong room by mistake when the sister wife romance, sister did not call for help to resist, will be so; but Deng's wife said they a four sleep in the same room,,louis vuitton outlet italia, she fat body type than her sister,, her husband how can admit?