sticks robbery student belongings.

Xinhua Yunnan Channel June 27th power (tea Zhiqiang, Zouxiang Min) of the Nujiang Luo Zhuo June 23 border police successfully cracked campus armed robbery and arrested four suspects.
June 18 morning,,gucci outlet, the Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture of the outstanding township taxi arise from Los fifty-one Hope Primary School classes, five second class, second class six,tn requin pas cher, six three shifts were four male dormitory Chi Gun,, knife-wielding man robbed.
The Los Zhuo border police after the alarm, rushed to the scene when police arrived until the suspect had fled the scene. After investigation,, the incident time for June 18 to 01 40 to 02 17 points, a total of four dormitory students robbed, 30 students with varying degrees of intimidation,, of which 18 students were robbed 21 dollars.
Because victims younger students, parents not around, the suspect was afraid of retaliation,, robbed students to face police inquiry said the suspect did not see or did not know. Police investigators timely communication with the school's teachers, through patient and meticulous ideological work, robbed the students to dispel concerns about the circumstances of the incident only when.
In order to prevent the suspect fled, after careful surveillance, which the police in June 23 18:00 pm, will be preparing dinner suspects and small (and some, due to under 18 years of age, who requested anonymity) captured. I heard associates were captured the public security organs, in this case another three suspects the evening of 23 went to the police station to surrender.
After interrogation,scarpe hogan outlet,, the four suspects were only age 15 to 17 years of social idlers, in order to "get some money flower", they present over the wall into Luo Zhuo Township taxi Hope Primary School,, and then into the student dormitories holding a fruit knife ,hogan sito ufficiale, sticks robbery student belongings.
Currently,, the four suspects have been the county public security bureau of criminal detention,louis vuitton outlet, the case is still under trial. (End)