Find fooled meter on the meter

On the court, first almost cheated color, then become a small robbery suspects lemon tears. Reporter Pudong Feng photo
For ordinary cashier from "transition" for the plane model, 20-year-old girl small lemon (a pseudonym) was even ready to do the "hidden rules", but then she found that so-called "brokers" Shaw just might be counterfeit . To this end, a small lemon and two together control middleman Xiao Gang, after the first robbery and extortion. Yesterday, a small lemon and the others on suspicion of robbery in the Haidian court for trial.
20-year-old man lemon Liaoning, accounting after graduating college in 2009, she came to Beijing to work as cashiers in supermarkets and shopping malls, rented in the basement. Soon after, she saw a little sister to work dressed in ceremonial decent company, revenues and started to have the idea of entering show business. Early July 2010,, a little lemon lingerie show at the mall experience in recruiting models, a man let her touch "Zhang" interview. Subsequently, Xiaoning Zhang Yinhao and Feng Pengzhen find. In this two referrals, small lemon by a man named Wang Jie (at large) to get to know a woman claiming to be a broker Xiao Gang.
Xiao Gang told Xiaoning, can she signed endorsement contracts lingerie model, gratuities 10 million, but you must have sex with him. At the time,, did not agree Xiaoning. Back home, she spent a night time to study the contract and found that many of the provisions in question, when she was asked what the brokerage firm Xiao Gang, the boss who name yet, the other party was not answer. So, Xiaoning began to suspect Xiao Gang is a liar. But it is still doing her star dream, hoping against hope, promise to the hotel contract, and make a commitment to prepare.
Find fooled meter on the meter
The next day, after , and Wang Jie met with little lemon tell their own doubts. Said he was indignant to hear all three, small egg lemon and Shaw went to the hotel just met, they rushed into the room at the time of the relationship between two people,, by posing as a small lemon husband to "rape" as an excuse to extort a sum Xiao Gang money. Four agreed that after the incident into a small lemon and forty-six into them. Xiaoning listening,gucci handbags discount, immediately expressed their willingness to be counted on revenge Xiao Gang. The two sides also agreed then, Xiaoning Xiao Gang urged to take a bath,jordan femme pas cher, and then took the opportunity to SMS notification of their actions.
According to the prosecution allegations, July 18, 2010, under the coordination of small lemon, lemon and broke into small hotel rooms and Shaw just where to evil little lemon on the grounds that to beat Xiao Gang it demanded 100,hogan outlet,000 yuan. After Shaw just refused to pay, Feng, Zhang both from his possession three bank cards,, a knife pressed to Xiao Gang violence bank card password. Xiao Gang lied about passwords, saying only the card balance of $ 4,000, so Feng, Zhang left to keep two small lemon bank card to withdraw money.
Time of the incident, the hotel staff does not hear the sound in the room, police said was a fight immediately. After police arrived, the , and Xiao Gang was arrested, and later because of wrong password will not take the money and return to the hotel's small lemon captured.
Women on the allegations without objection
Subsequently confirmed by the police,cheap jordans, Xiao Gang is indeed a counterfeit broker, 28 years old, he was originally a businessman Shilihe Lighting City, and because of that film and television can easily rule,, they yearn for. He then pseudonym "Lee Month" on the Internet to download a sample of two endorsement contracts, start looking for the right girl. On an escort website, he met "pimp" Wang Jie. Although friendship is not deep, but it was proposed to let Wang Jie Xiao Gang recommend appropriate for his girl, inexperienced deep Xiaoning become victims.
After the incident, Xiao Gang trickster because police detained 10 days of administrative punishment. The violence of Pingpeng Zhen,, Zhang Yinhao and Xiaoning, were the prosecution to prosecute the crime of robbery.
Yesterday the trial, a small lemon allegations had no objection, and Feng, Zhang both believe that their charges should be extortion rather than robbery. Prosecutors have said that the three began as extortion,, but not afraid of the threat of discovery Xiao Gang, they use violence, threats and other means to rob a bank card, and therefore should be held criminally responsible for robbery.
The case is not in court for sentencing.
Dialogue "I think the unspoken rules of normal,"
Reporter: Why are you so want to get into show business?
Xiaoning: When the waiter and models are still some gaps in it, I feel a little easier.
Reporter: feel very understanding showbiz thing,gucci sac pas cher?
Xiaoning: I know there are unspoken rules, and I know that sooner or later, when Shaw just made, I feel normal.
Reporter: give the body a chance, worth it?
Xiaoning: when they say that at least 100,000 honorarium contract year, I wanted to give the family some money, but now I feel unworthy.
Reporter: Fengpeng Zhen, Zhang Yinhao is it for you to succeed?
Xiaoning: I now feel that they are being utilized.
Reporter: family matter how you look?
Xiaoning: Today my dad and my aunt came, I was very painful and helpless in jail a few months, I'm sorry to my family, I hope to be able to go home early.