claiming Hong Kong tourists

(Reporter correspondent Zhou Zhou Xuelian) claiming Hong Kong tourists, in the main city is a taxi "dumped", 22-year-old man recently Aikawa whim,gucci handbags outlet, actually trying to convince the police themselves, "back" to Hong Kong. He even into the main city of Zone 2 police station, but did not expect the right time.
Claiming to Chongqing tourism was Shuaike
"Hong Kong people in the square of a booth, he may have to report, we did not understand what he said." January 18 at 10 am, police duty room YuBei Ssangyong received a plaza security guard post of calls.
Police on duty immediately to that name looks ordinary, face stiff young man back to the police station. Man speaks Cantonese,, Mandarin when the police questioned him, he responded with a half-baked Mandarin "This can understand."
According to this man that he called "Yang", 22 years old, Hong Kong people travel to Chongqing, Yuzhong expect to see at night. 5:00 pm the same day, in the Jiangbei Airport after the plane met a warm taxi driver,, Yang told the driver to go to the Municipal Public Security Bureau own center for endorsement. Yang said the car traveled about an hour, and then stopped in a remote place, and when he was just going to take the luggage in the trunk, but the car drove off a scare.
According to him, had his passport luggage, clothing, and HK $ 3,000, 20,000 Hong Kong dollars worth of computers,tn pas cher, and 10,000 Hong Kong dollars worth of mobile phones, just know that the taxi's license plate is AT the beginning of Chongqing. Yang said that since then he walked along the road two or three hours, and finally see the top of the booth plaza write the words "POLICE", then approached for help.
Eat Western food "borrow" walk 300 dollars
To show what he says is true, Yang is also the spot to say a Hong Kong phone number, "I'm home in the Hong Kong Science Avenue." When the director of the police station had been using a mobile phone call in the past, but has no one answered.
Too late because the police could not verify the identity and Yang said is true, then the police station to be relocated to a nearby guest house, ready the next day for verification. But the next morning, the police to the hostel to find him,cheap red bottom, but found that he had disappeared. Upon learning of the hostel owner even claimed that "was a": the original morning,escarpin louboutin pas cher, Yang went to the boss and said that he "rice not used to the mainland, eat Western food," borrowed 300 dollars to find the boss,, the boss took him to a nearby a restaurant door and saw him go in, but also the point of dishes, this assured left,, did not expect or fooled.
Police then re-dial the phone number provided by Yang,, the other said it was an elevator company in Hong Kong, Yang did not know who to call. YuBeiOu Ssangyong case to the municipal police station immediately to the immigration department for filing.
Change the name of the newspaper went to a back case
Just when the police search for the name of Yang Yu Bei's whereabouts, he went to the south bank of the district police station has a lot to do the same, but this time with another pseudonym.
Because he claimed to be a taxi, "dumped", the city is severely dealt happened "black car", the south bank of the police suspected that the taxi may be the "black car", then report the situation, the city taxi management department immediately intervene, multi collect clues, put this car "black car" to find out. However, the city with the immigration authorities after the name "Hong Kong-off" contact, but found something wrong, they quickly extract the "Yang" photos to Yubei police report revealed that the man and to report the Yubei " Yang "is the same person.
After reviewing the police learned that the name of counterfeit fraud in Hong Kong man who HECHUAN district, 22-year-old,gucci handbags outlet, named Zhou, who played work in Guangdong,, can speak fluent Cantonese,, can write complex characters. According to his account, he went to the local police station is made out of rhetoric, he just thought the Hong Kong Tourism, that posing as "left out" of the Hong Kong people will be able to muddle through by the police "returned" to Hong Kong.
Currently,, Zhou has been due to a number of acts are punishable by two years of reeducation through labor.