he let go of the throat yelling for help

July 6,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, heavy rains Sichuanbazhong City, Ba river was rising above the warning level
Riding a log, "transfer" of the tire he eventually rescued floated 20 km
● From Pakistan Yangjiaba Baiyun Township, he floated a full kilometer over 20 km
● From the side of the tire and then transfer to a large wooden logs, he "for three times by" three times before they were rescued
July 6, Pakistani guy Li accidentally embroiled torrent, with childhood trained well water, he first caught a square timber, and a big log ride down the river, crossed a rubber dam, has also changed "by" a tire, drifting more than 20 kilometers, just as he was exhausted, the shore sand mining parked car found him and two boatmen Jianyang membership chase out two kilometers away,http://www.classifieds.countynewsonline.org/item/create_form/19, before With a pole pole to pull him ashore.
Salvage items rolled into the rapids
Li Ping, 28, Bazhong Jiangbei MC Yang Pa person family lived in Pakistan river. July 6, Pakistan suffered devastating floods, the river surged 11:00, floating the river from upstream rushing various objects of wood, refrigerators. The shore was full of people, watching Naore, there salvage goods, "Every floods, we will pick up some of the things you can use."
Li first picked up a log delivery landed ashore he was told there is a square wood behind, Li has turned, hand Qulao Flanagan square wood, unwittingly swim out of the backwater area, an tremendous power from behind the hit, twelve seconds, and that they be rolled into the middle of the river.
"Ah!" Shore neighbors issued a
Piece screams, the flood peak, the Ping clearly see people's face filled with consternation.
The gap is reduced to 10 m dam twenty-three m
"Is rolled into the river center, I told myself do not panic, need to find ways to swim back." Li said, was in their hands only three meters long wooden square,http://bbs.xuqiouwang.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=45913, "floating" no buoyancy, but the root of "straw "Absolutely can not lose, Li tightly grabs square wood, looked around at the same time trying to find a larger floats.
"Suddenly five meters away from me, a diameter of about 20 cm drift logs come," Li struggling to swim past, reach out and grab, but the root bark is stripped naked logs surface, He tried twice before putting it embraced. Li stepped ride up, left hand grasping the wire logs on the right hand side of wooden paddle, straining to shore program,hogan milano, but have been turned back water waves.
Floated a few kilometers down, in front of a tall rubber dam, and nearly 10 meters downstream of the gap. "Finished!" He was secretly crying, Li lost in the hands of square wood, hands cling to logs. After crossing the rubber dam at the moment, Li Ping, close your eyes, turn a few laps in the air, and heavy hit in the water. Looked outside, okay, too fast because of the flood, the rubber dam gap is reduced to two to three meters look.
Caught three kilometers finally rescued him
A long soak in the water, Li feeling chills. If this continues, will soon be exhausted physically, he decided to look for other objects to escape, there was a big drums drift over, he did not reach out and grab caught. Later, a tire from the side drift off,hogan spaccio,http://www.ichenxiao.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=49388, this time he reached out and grabbed him, turned over a watch, which still has steel bowl,tn pas cher, surely, he sat in, though still can not dock, but he gave himself cheer, "No matter how far drift,http://www.zzbbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=602795, must not give up."
About an hour later, Li drift to Bazhou Baiyun Township, the river sand mining is more,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, he let go of the throat yelling for help, but no one answered the rain. They floated down a few kilometers, a large sand mining docked at the shore, as if someone on shore. Li Ping after the hull of the moment, doing all the help, two people lost hands shore boat rushing things.
"My brother was being wanderers lunch." Boatman who yuan Friends said that after hearing cries for help, the two hands of the jobs lost
Jumped into the boat, his brother had been responsible for the health sail, he is standing on the bow, staring live drowning person's whereabouts. In chasing after nearly two kilometers away, sand mining finally surpassed drowning. Stabilize the hull had been healthy, he took out a dollar Tomonori pole pole ten feet long, were stretched to the drowning, but water too fast, Li Ping, three are not caught, the two sides continue to drift down to one kilometer in drift outside of the "old beach" when Li finally caught pole pole. Three meters, two meters, one meter, he tugged Friends yuan, fell into the water near the ship finally, his brother rushed over to take the hand, the two work together to drag it on board.
"Bring the whole family to go after sunny Thanksgiving"
"After his boat, his face ashen, his hands were scratched up, stand unstable, a butt to sit down." Friends have said Yuan. Ages, the young man back to life, whooped cold. Has health got clothes, calling him into the room warm. Zeng Yuan Friends said he and his brother is Jianyang people in Pakistan
Sand mining operations in nearly 10 years. "At least 20 km waterway from Pakistan to the clouds, I really do not know how this guy drift down."
14:00, Li's physical gradually restored, the local people for him to find a ride. 15:00,hogan,http://bbs.155.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, when back home in Pakistan, the neighbors came to see him, "If those two big brother,http://www.wifigx.com/forum.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, even if the water is not even the best
Shore. Then go in a hurry, and I were all dizzy. Two brother's name still remember very clearly, I only know their name was. But I gave them the phone number firmly remember. "After a day of rest yesterday, Li began to busy their own business, and the young man said to be when the weather is fine,abercrombie france, he'll bring the whole family, going to take two to thank savior.
WCC reporter Xie Ying
[The most exciting? Drift?]
At 14:00 on the 4th at 17:00 on the 6th to the Palestinian territory in heavy rains in northern Nanjiang drop heavy rain. The city's 90 rainfall monitoring stations monitoring shows that the site has more than 100 mm of 42, more than 200 millimeters has 17, including Nanjiang Chenjiashan station rainfall of 411 mm. Pakistan and the highest water level reached 368.20 meters hydrological station, flood frequency of more than 100 years.
According Bazhong Flood Control Office statistics, the floods caused a total of 191 townships (towns, offices), 127.17 million people were affected, evacuated 200,000 people, the direct economic loss of 1.394 billion yuan. The flooding has killed three people were killed and seven others missing. Parties are actively trying to find the whereabouts of missing persons.
WCC reporter Xie Ying
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