but his salary is less than ten years of $ 100

Legal Network reporter Yu Dongming Wang Jialiang correspondent Xing Tong Po,hogan interactive
If not informed sources report, Xu Dong would not "sacked", because the Bureau of Education "too low-key," hidden too deep - Deposits family of less than ten million yuan, under the name of real estate is only one residential building units office, these "false" Even the prosecutor handling the case at the beginning fooled ......
August 3, 2011, by the Shandong Liaocheng Guan County People's Procuratorate Xu Dong bribery, huge amount of property from unknown sources a case verdicts. Xu Dong, found guilty of accepting bribes, was sentenced to two years six months, confiscation of personal property 800,000 yuan; guilty of the crime of huge property with unidentified sources, sentenced to six months a year, graft decided to implement ten years imprisonment, confiscation of personal property of 800,000 yuan.
According to reports, Xu Dong is the amount involved in the case so far discovered the largest education system in Liaocheng City, the greatest impact of the crimes committed together. Faced with the decision, the court of Xu Dong remorse, and said no appeal, this decision is currently in force.
Corruption through the media reports, "learn"
August 2010, Liaocheng procuratorate received a number of letters of complaint letters, he said Xu Dong served as Secretary for Education Dongchangfu during wantonly accepting huge bribes of more than builders.
Since then, the city's Procuratorate designated jurisdiction the case referred to Guan County Procuratorate investigation, in order to prevent arouse his suspicions, first from the periphery of the panel Guan County Procuratorate launched a secret investigation early. After careful investigation, in particular the results from the major banks and Dongchangfu Housing Authority inquiry showed deposits Xu Dong family of less than ten million, whose name in real estate is only one unit residential buildings.
"Wage income woman nearly three decades, at least over a million dollars, even though the report inaccurate, no illegal income, so a lot of legitimate property gone? That's the biggest concern we have investigators at the beginning." Attorney handling the case the official said.
Investigators baffled, but this anomaly was more determined investigators thorough preliminary investigation determination, because experience shows that investigators behind the anomaly, there must not normal behavior.
It turned out, in 1999, when Xu was deputy director of the East, in the ideological struggle through honest and greed, greed eventually prevailed. At the same time, in order to avoid getting caught and to prevent ruin, Xu Dong since then he began to study how to resolve the "sacked" risk.
According to Xu Dong in the prosecution statement, "I also read the various media reported cases of corruption, but also a careful study, found that the large amounts of cash at home, in the bank or spend, there is great risk."
The anti-corruption report was alert, but in many Eastern eyes are as "UNESCO Model" use, how to "ill-gotten gains" safe digestion, Xu Dong really move a lot of brains.
Amounts involved are placed under the name of relatives
According to the verdict found that from 1999 to 2009 August Xu Dong served Dongchangfu Deputy Secretary for Education, the Secretary during the use of his position, and in the reconstruction of primary and secondary schools, school maintenance and ancillary facilities construction, illegal Zhang received 17 builders and other bribes totaling 2,475,433 yuan, US $ 60 million, as builders seek benefits in terms of contract works, allocated for projects and the like.
Meanwhile, Xu Dong adjustment in the education system of cadres and positions, jobs and job placement university students during 71 trustees illegally accepting property totaling 551,000 yuan, 29,000 yuan shopping card for their aspect duties, post adjustment, employment arrangements at interests. In addition, Xu Dong is also home to 844,576 yuan property can not explain the legitimate sources.
"If the ill-gotten wealth is revealed in their own name, after the incident it is not your own; if the property is not in their own name, so it is relatively easy to escape the discipline and prosecution, even if not in their own name, but it is still the own. "It is in this logical thinking guidance, Xu Dong in more than ten years of anti-corruption remained immune.
According to the court verdict, in September 2003, Xu Dong with bribery money in Liaocheng new Oriental Plaza shops sixth floor purchase eight sets, worth 556,024 yuan, respectively, is its father, mother and Qidi nominal couples. February 2004, Xu Dong has followed suit, each with its big sister, Sister couple's name in Liaocheng city to buy new Oriental Plaza Beauty Shop sets, worth 433,856 yuan.
In addition, from 2007 to 2009, Xu Dong also were its father, brother-in-law's name, in Yanggu Fengxiang Group to raise $ 800,http://ceo.johobuilders.co.jp,000 in Liaocheng Jiuan real estate companies to raise 81 million yuan, 425,000 yuan to raise funds in Liaocheng University, in Liaocheng Jianshe Road Primary School to raise 800,000 yuan ......
Transfer or hide his property "low key" enrichment
In this way, Xu Dong by borrowing her parents, sister, wife, Qidi wife and other relatives of the ID card, the bribery money to be used together with the legitimate income with high-end stores to buy shops, participating companies to raise funds, and these assets registered in the others It names. As a result, investigators if the "cable Ji by name," Xu Dong these properties are not found in nature.
At the same time, often on the screen now, the newspapers "steal" corrupt, "pick out" corrupt, "write out" corrupt phenomenon, also caused Xu Dong alert.
"Himself as Secretary for Education, but also thieves thief misses the target,http://www.hftreview.com/pg/blog/trishagee/read/110828/cant-take-much-more, in particular, their grasp of real estate, the procedures of these investments, not every day in his hand, on the bag, Cangzaijiali was stolen is extremely troublesome; even comprehensive security measures, maybe someday Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Procuratorate to visit, so many relatives under the name of large investments in their own homes, it is difficult to explain. "According to Xu Dong in the prosecution statement.
At the same time, keeping the issue on the real estate, investment procedures, Xu Dong also devoting a lot of thought. To prevent thieves stealing, discipline, prosecutors visit, but be able to keep control of himself, Xu Dong thought of living in a district of the big sister at home, there is probably the best place for the above-mentioned conditions.
After 2004, the above-mentioned procedures Xu Dong Shang Hao placed in a locked safe, big sister came home, she asked putting his take good care of this "insurance" box, "a box placed confidential documents, do not Open the box, do not want anybody else says. "After that, once they have a" confidential documents ", he must to big sister home alone, quietly put" confidential documents "stored in the" insurance "box.
The first one hundred thousand yuan bribery refund three times
According to investigators, in 1999, when Xu Dong House District Deputy Secretary for Education, the use of power in their hands, the harvest of the "pot of gold." He was in charge of the construction of a school building, a builder named Ma in order to successfully get the project, ask him to "take care of" look, alone to his home brought him 100,000 yuan.
Income or no income? Fear of the great benefits of temptation and unmasked, tortured him for quite some time. Began, he was also tight integrity of the chord, three times this 100,000 yuan returned to the builders. However, builders in the fourth handed him 100,000 yuan, it seems to see through his mind, he confided to persuade, "Xu Juzhang, the money you do not be afraid, we are a community of interests, I will not say, you I would not say, rest assured, no one knows. "
Xu Dong tempted, watching thick stack of yuan, builders usually think big bucks style, but his salary is less than ten years of $ 100,000 to mention builders so sincere with himself,http://www.jauce.com, in this community of interests No one will be on the rope, "two secret" revealed half-word, think about the risk of crime is almost zero, Xu eventually accept 10 million.
Since then, Xu Dong began to realize the potential implications of the Community interest, accepting bribes every time and place, he made careful choices: either alone in the office, at home or alone, to make sure when bribery " one on one. " He was convinced that bribery and bribery are "community of interests", as long as the money work, there is no risk, as long as they do not speak out, no one knows.
Do not play by the rules will be Baibandiaonan
March 8, 2011, the prosecutor at the arraignment Xu Dong, he said. "When I was in when the Deputy Secretary, a teaching building project, builders actually one hundred thousand yuan to bribe me! I realized that such a huge construction project profits, After the director when I started to try to drive down profit margins of the project, both to save state funds, on the other hand just wanted to make builders have the money to bribe, did not think they still ......, besides my brother Xu some, there are sixteen builders dozens bribe to me, a total of nearly one million, out of all the decline, it is difficult ...... "
According to their earlier, he almost full of passive bribery, but this is not true. It is understood that Xu Dong also use the signing authority for projects allocated to develop an unspoken rule: for active bribery, the green light; to understand "the rules", then delaying payment for work methods to make things difficult. The time of the incident, there are some projects with project payment arrears.
In 2003, a construction company because they were in arrears for projects, faced a new crisis, but to apply to the court for enforcement. The construction company did not expect the court to resort to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests of the upset, but angered Xu Dong, his telephone to express his strong dissatisfaction.
Since then, the construction company is also aware of the serious impact on their own kind of "flesh to pay Paul," the behavior of the company's development. To ease relations, the company sent 20,000 yuan to Xu Dong sent the "condolence payments", with the "Accommodation" and periodically thereafter occasional "sympathy", the next few years, the company's engineering section They are scheduled disbursement.
Engineering younger brother care benefit two million
Xu Dong most reluctant to talk about, is his younger brother Xu Moumou (already prosecution) to his bribery thing. Get involved in the end is the younger brother to brother or brother to brother dragged into the water, perhaps only this "loser" most clearly.
Xu Moumou previously worked for many years in the construction team of estimators, know construction project profitable. In 2001, Xu Moumou see his brother under the jurisdiction of the school has a large number of projects, they hold the psychological proximity and easier, but also want a share, "Brother, I'm not white with you, so money, we spent one. "Xu Dong believes his brother was" sensible ", is to have economic dealings, but also pro-brothers, should be very safe, two hit it off.
Xu Moumou on a market stall carved a seal, on the establishment of the "Liuyuan Liaocheng construction team" as long as the education system have a job, went to the labor market to find member of the construction team, if you did not live dry, immediately disbanded. At that time, which school to trim playground, which the school wants to build bungalows, Xu Moumou always know the future, as long as the school reported the project, a number down,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, Xu Moumou took the construction team to the school construction. However, the Xu Moumou construction has the advantage that the school district Board of Education to apply for disbursement of project funds easier.
For Xu Dong allocated for projects in the "hidden rules", a school headmaster exclaimed, "We all know that the education system is the relationship between brothers they turned to others to contract projects, the District Education funding very late, very hard for money . Ten years ago, we owe a company of 60,000 yuan for projects, the District Education Bureau has not yet allocated! Then we let Xu Moumou contract projects, funding really quickly, then again there are works by Xu Moumou on did. Since 2003, Xu Moumou contracted our school ten projects, for projects it has more than 460 million. "In this context, the schools chancellor Xu Moumou contract works without bidding, etc. , also had an eye, close one eye.
Between 2002-2009 eight years, Xu Moumou in the absence of a business license, construction quality, bidding situation, actually contracted dozens of engineering education system, successfully got a total of about 25 million yuan for the works.
Returning the favor,louboutin femme pas cher, when Xu Dong something with the money, earn pours on the generosity of Xu Moumou, Xu Dong gave nearly 200 million, grateful to the Secretary brother taking care of their own. This feeling far beyond the family, Xu Dong also explained, "because he was doing the education system works no less profitable, but also got my attention, otherwise,http://stopthemoney.blog.shinobi.jp, to a San Wuwan pretty good."
Xu Dong could not dream of,louboutin milano, the key to the detection of cases, also lies in the "very safe" people. Investigators check the school allocated by the flow of project funds to Xu Moumou, Xu Dong found in Jinan with her name registered in two properties, these two properties are the formalities personally Xu Dong, worth more than 300 million.
Investigators found one in which taking a nap Xu Dong. After the produce documents say "Xu Juzhang, you almost renovated property right in another place-based Prudential Center? 'Second year after the end of the story of Xu Dong thought to have been more than ten years of psychological defense impregnable instant crash.
Reflections On transformation of the Secretary of Education
In appearing in court in two weeks, Xu Dong repeatedly profound reflection on their behavior. October 26, 2010,boutique louboutin paris, he wrote the book in repentance,nike air max outlet,http://www.idbren.com/thread-8945493-1-1.html, "My change, its wide range of factors, but still play a major role in the transformation of their ideas to relax, relax the vigilance of the sugar-coated bullets attack. When one Department of Education, but also want clean and honest, when a good cadres, but also introduced a number of honest and diligent document, also developed some good measures. However, people to a certain status, the lack of supervision,http://aofadalet.com/forum/profile.php?id=43538, self-discipline is hard achieve, over time, increase the powers and responsibilities of their own greedy desires gradually exposed, never dared to receive dare to close, and finally to himself transformed into a place where everybody spurned corrupt elements. "
Contractors Prosecutors introduced,http://www.rodwellsre.com.au, Xu Dong District Education from the number one position, never dared to take bribes, to develop the "hidden rules" active bribes and rampant, crime is a step by step onto the road, the most fundamental The reason is that their ideological roots, not firmly establish a correct outlook on life and values, we can not have a good "power off", "money off" and "human Off." However, Xu Dong can survive more than ten years in office, take a back seat until one year after the incident, although he escape with the investigation of a certain relationship, but more importantly, in the systems and mechanisms of the "top leaders" Supervision is not in place, which leads to Xu Dong gradually degenerated into a big greedy local education sector.
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