Medical records show collarbone fracture

Lao Chen was beaten injured security in the hostel to rest. Newspaper reporter Zhang Hanyu photo
(Reporter Zhang Hanyu) until yesterday, 45-year-old Olympic Garden District, Chaoyang District,ralph lauren homme pas cher, security is still sidelined with injuries Presbyterian quarters. June 26 afternoon, Presbyterian and an old man riding a residual friction dispute. Later, Lao Chen was beaten by a group of people, medical records show his left shoulder and collarbone fracture. More than residential property owners and security confirmed that the batterer in the old man's son --- Dongba police station Wang Zhenjiang. In this regard,, Chaoyang police said, inspectors have been involved in the matter.
Security to prevent residual friction through cell
Yesterday,nike air max baratas,, the Presbyterian alone in the dormitory to rest, he said, his legs, arms and face with multiple injuries, a broken collarbone left shoulder.
Lao Chen recalled, about at 16:00 on June 26, he was on duty district, a residential area near the old man riding a motorcycle intends to enter the disabled community, because cells belonging to all closed, do not allow foreign vehicles crossing old Chen old man crossed from the east side of the proposed road.
"He simply ignored,chaussure nike tn pas cher, directly start the vehicle hit back at me." Lao Chen's leg was injured, he then grabbed residual friction in the ceiling, residual friction uncontrolled fall in the street. The old man then abandoned the vehicle away, and let Presbyterian "Wait."
Security colleagues have been beaten
A security guard colleague Presbyterian memories, shortly after leaving the old man, and armed with a shovel, straight from the Presbyterian community north gate. Old man waving a shovel to hit go to Presbyterian, shovels to break in two. Then he saw the old man's son and another man came to the door more than 10 cells.
"The old man said, pointing to the Presbyterian, is his play." The security recalls that he and Presbyterian stand together, the old man's son mistakenly thought he clashed with the old man tried to punch his face swung a punch . Then the old man said to his son wrong, the old man's son has directed Presbyterian meal punch, this time the old man carrying a shovel to be interrupted,, and another 40-year-old man also came up with for Presbyterian beat.
"My back, arms have been injured by a stick, the old man's son also readily took a stick to me were thwarted." Lao Chen recalled, was the son of the old man left holding stick punch its face beatings, after he hit dodge stick on the shoulder.
Yesterday, the district over security and the security team captain and several owners surnamed Jiang confirmed that the son of the old man beat Wang Zhenjiang Dongba police station, was dressed in civilian clothes.
Medical records show collarbone fracture
After the incident, the security community dialed 110 calls. Presbyterian and another colleague were brought police to the police station for interrogation DongBa,louboutin outlet italia, old man were taken to hospital for treatment. Lao Chen recalled, 16:00 more after being brought to the police station, more than 10 points until the night that he was taken to hospital for treatment. In the meantime,, he has repeatedly because of physical pain to the police request to go to the hospital to be checked refused. Lao Chen said at the time that made the police officers asked him to compensate for the elderly 30,000 yuan of money.
More than 10 points that night, Lao Chen to Dongba hospital for treatment, medical records show the Dongba Presbyterian Hospital show their left shoulder and collarbone fracture.
Yesterday, the Olympic Garden Area Security Officer,, Mr. Jiang also confirmed that the batterer is indeed the Dongba Wang Zhenjiang police station, police personnel had been found leading residential property,, it is recommended the matter be resolved through consultation.
The old man said, "Son no hands."
Yesterday, the father of Wang Zhenjiang old man --- the police,,air max pas cher, said he did not hit his car security, he was going to pick up their kids across the district, blocked security and disrespectful, during which security when hit by a bus stop,, he himself was injured. Incident, three security people beat him, he was angry to find a shovel, discounted security collarbone, his son came to the scene after hearing the news, but did not do it.
Chaoyang Branch, said the incident occurred in the performance of official duties is not the police, the Department of individual behavior. Currently Bureau inspectors have been involved, police also said, the understanding, the two sides of the circumstances of the incident and uncompromising, and both sides have willingness to mediation, the parties are now the police still work properly.