20 am She did not sleep

Market News news to raise two children,http://bbs.yxjcxx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2510546, the woman returned to go out late at night takeover eggs, mended in a car after the eggs were crushed, with its theory, the unscrupulous drivers hit and dragged more than 300 meters, who sustained multiple injuries.
Night came the "help" sound
2 o'clock yesterday morning, near the South Bridge Road and Lake Chuzhou City mentality intersection with Paradise hotel entrance, a man driving a black sedan retrograde in non-motor vehicle lane, knocked over a rural woman placed in the street a box of eggs. The two sides negotiate compensation in eggs, the man suddenly drove bugger,http://www.cpaxly.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=467093&fromuid=8321, woman hand and grasp the door, one hand grasp the steering wheel of the vehicle,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, half of the body from the window got into the cab.
The woman said to the driver: "You knocked my eggs, I have to pay to go!" At the same man begged parking. But this man was actually unscrupulously throttle, while trying to break apart the woman's hand,http://www.boyeah.cn/english/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=563542,nike air max outlet, while the woman shouted: "Put your hands break apart, or I ran over and killed you!"
At this point the woman had been dragged a vehicle over one hundred meters,outlet hogan italia, as women was wearing slippers, shoes left behind at the time fly, feet dragging on the ground out of the blood. Women continue exclaimed help, drivers, red eyes,hogan outlet milano, cried:. "You do not let go, I really killed you."
Finally, the woman was dragged along for about 300 meters, the driver stopped off to see not escape, abandoned the vehicle and escape. The police investigation found that the track has been dragged onto the nearby honeysuckle Eastern Paradise Hotel entrance door from the same accident police used the tape is only 50 meters long, we have measured the amount of six or seven times before coming to an end.
Police trying to track down the whereabouts of the driver
It is reported that the above scenario the woman called Wang Lin, usually by doing odd jobs for others and trafficking in grass eggs for a living. According to Wang Lin described the injured, then the name of the man covered with the alcohol driving,tn pas cher, the eyes are red, speak no organization should be drinking a lot of wine.
Later, Wang Lin was rushed to the traffic police and medical staff rushed to hospital for treatment Wandong, the woman was diagnosed as a mild concussion,http://betterthanbubbe.com/forum/activity, hands,nike tn requin pas cher, feet, waist multiple contusions.
The vehicle was a new black snow sedan, not yet on the license. Currently, the car man at large, the public security department withheld vehicle accident and is trying to track down the man driving.
Woman raising two sons by selling eggs
It is understood that Wang Lin's husband died in a traffic accident three years ago. In the hospital, Wang Lin said sadly: "Since my husband died in traffic accidents, I am very afraid of an accident, I did not expect this and let me suffered a traffic accident!"
It is reported that Wang Lin's two sons are in Chuzhou Dingyuan two dragons secondary school,http://demo.web300.cn/free8/Review.asp?NewsID=627, a primary school sophomore, a junior high school,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, in order to make money for two children to live and study, Wang Lin have worked very hard,http://www.ysshoot.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=263574&fromuid=19011, 20 am She did not sleep, because she had just received a 600 Chuzhou Tianchang grass eggs back! Unexpectedly, he suffered a non-German driver ......