then they went back to Yunnan. In August 2009

Yunnan province in Hebei Kuan man detention center died several wounds on the body. The picture shows the family of the deceased
Newspaper Chengde Electric (Yanzhao Metropolis Daily reporter Chen Baoyun) March 9, Yunnan province man because during the Manchu Autonomous County Detention Center detainees lower limbs activity obstacles, was admitted to hospital, six days later, in hospital died. According to the hospital's diagnosis of death, Shi Guanghui with obstructive hydrocephalus and herniation,, the central cause of death was respiratory and circulatory failure and death. Currently,, the family of the deceased have been rushed Kuan. According to family members of the deceased, Shi Guanghui body with multiple injuries, so his family expressed doubts about the cause of death. March 24 afternoon, local prosecutors have organized a forensic autopsy.
March 24 morning, the reporter saw the hotel in a county wide family of the deceased. According to family members of the deceased, Shi Guanghui 32-year-old, who lives in Yanjin County of Zhaotong City and town and village, the existing one 2 year old daughter. Last year, Shi Guanghui and friends worked in a county wide iron work, but time is only two months, then they went back to Yunnan. In August 2009,nike air max outlet, police in Kunming will Kuan Kuan Shi Guanghui back. According to Shi Guanghui's wife Xu, the police took Shi Guanghui on the grounds that its alleged illegal transportation of explosives. Since then, he has been detained in the detention center Shi Guanghui and family no longer met.
February 2, 2010, on suspicion of illegal transportation of explosives, is determined to 5 years imprisonment Court of First Instance. February 4, appealed his conviction, Shi Guanghui appeal.
March 9,tiffany italia, his family received a wide County detention center staff telephone. "They say sprained foot, and now is in the hospital, so we are prepared to 30,000 yuan to do medical parole." After receiving the call, his wife Xu rushed Kuan Shi Guanghui from home in Yunnan. March 16,, when Xu went wide County detention center, detention center staff to inform them, Shi Guanghui was March 15 due to hydrocephalus and herniation, died in hospital.
Subsequently, Shi Guanghui's father and other family members came one after another. On Manchu Autonomous County Hospital offers inpatient Chi and his family death records and other materials,air max pas cher femme,, the reporter saw admission time at 10:45 on March 9. Logging in hospital now history is "no obvious incentive to sudden bilateral lower limb movement disorder patients one hour before, along with the loss of meaning, and call not,nike air max pas cher, convulsions several times, once incontinence in local untreated and anxious to be sent to hospital. outpatient head CT after the "hydrocephalus" describes hospitalized since onset, it has been in a coma, no abnormal stool. " Past history as "previously healthy deny history infectious hepatitis, tuberculosis, denied trauma, surgery, denying food, drug allergies." Admission situation as "dangerous."
Due to a serious condition, the hospital March 9 on the day of Shi Guanghui was surgery. At 6:48 on March 15,, Shi Guanghui respiratory arrest,, although more than one hour after the rescue, yet save the 32-year-old's life. Its death records said that since the disease, has been in a coma, cause of death was respiratory and circulatory failure and death center.
According to family members of the deceased, March 20, the family in the funeral hall saw Shi Guanghui body. Family recalled that they found Shi Guanghui apparent injuries healed at four or five on the head, chest, abdomen, legs with multiple congestion, back fist chunks of black caudal congestion, hand touch skin on the lost fall, seemingly muscle necrosis. "They explain that the entire chest and other injuries that the doctor was dead when pinch coma to try perception, bedridden caudal to the sky, they can not exactly explain the brain. We did not remember that he had any head injury . "& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
March 24 afternoon, the reporter went to the county public security bureau interview. According to the relevant personnel,, in the detention center has been unstable mental state, his legs discomfort prior to admission,nike tn pas cher france, he was taken to hospital for treatment. Orthopedic surgeons did not find the problem, after examination, Shi Guanghui was diagnosed with obstructive hydrocephalus and herniation,, although after a positive rescue, Shi Guanghui unfortunately on March 15 died in the hospital.
It happened after the death in custody in accordance with the relevant provisions of the aftermath disposal, local prosecutors to actively contact the Provincial Procuratorate forensic expert, we hope the autopsy to find the real cause of death of Shi Guanghui. According to reports, on March 24 in the afternoon, had to forensic autopsy the remains, the autopsy report will be published shortly. Related personnel, said since the incident is under process, and therefore would not disclose details.