had yet to entry

Illness? Impasse
"I did not leave his alma mater, had yet to entry, so he and any insurance, welfare missed and this is the biggest obstacle to prevent him medical treatment.." - "Proposal for students Department of Foreign Languages"
Sudden terminal illness before going to work, you must own all the medical expenses
June 28, graduated from Shanghai University of Finance. He entered the signing of the tripartite agreement with their company - PricewaterhouseCoopers, trained for several months. Unexpectedly, one day in mid-July, Huang Tengfei sudden high fever of 40 degrees, and finally, in a hospital in Tianjin, the doctor diagnosed as bolt from the blue: Huang Tengfei suffering from acute M5 leukemia.
Family stunned. Calm down, the family chose active treatment. They came to Tianjin Blood Diseases Hospital, waiting to take off the ward life, as well as the pain of chemotherapy torture. In the eyes of my friends, the illness is very strong. "We're still joking as usual, feeling he just got a big cold, but the actual situation is very worrying." Friends Sun Tao told reporters that the face of their parents,louboutin soldes, to take off and always worried in my heart. He did not tell their parents, their own medical expenses found every day bills online. Day hundreds of thousands of medical expenses. He quietly consulted medical expenses can be reimbursed, but the answer so that he scared: no school, not currently employed, he must bear all the medical expenses.
Off Linyi county's father was a school teacher, mother at a local farm, economic conditions at home this on constraints, this cost of soaring home is undoubtedly an astronomical figure. Although, my father would say to him every day: Do not worry, we worry about money.
"Last month today, looking off to graduate, there is a good job, seeing the light of day at home. A person more than happy ah. The front of the day, did not dare to think." Bear the economic pressure and mental burden,http://www.jpstep.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, father worried.
In the eyes of their peers, impoverished Huang Tengfei has been outstanding. After high school, he was admitted to the county's third Shanghai University of Finance and the Department of English. Seniors and PricewaterhouseCoopers signed a letter of intent of employment. Scholarships and patents obtained by virtue of the university, just before graduation, also successfully applied for a Shanghai accounts. A better life was about to unfold before his eyes. And now, the sudden illness makes a person Ruzhui abyss.
For sellers only housing, still can not afford the huge medical bills
Parents know that this time is to take off the life of medical expenses. Off the first course of chemotherapy costs about 60,000 yuan. To control the disease and take-off,http://www.kokoiru.com/x4/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=81/, at least eight courses. It does not include all kinds of accidents may encounter.
When treatment came to Tianjin, a takeoff with only 5,000 yuan, which has all of the family savings. A course of medical expenses has let this poor family to join together, friends and family tried the approach, gather the 70,000 yuan, barely a month overhead. "I can not afford the medical expenses." The father off a heavy sigh. A month later, the next month's medical expenses how to maintain? Parents ready to sell housing only. House now belongs to the dormitory, not sell. And sold the house, the most we can maintain one or two courses of overhead. "This is the home of the country, our future, there is no home." The father has strong candidate of pain.
Let Huang Tengfei huge overhead on the constraints of the family penniless. One day the end of chemotherapy, take off out of the room just fainted, heartbroken mother the day off to accompany the side. "I'm afraid you do not see him for a second, he would suddenly gone."
In order for take-off to get better treatment, Ascendas and parents came to Tianjin. Father and mother in the ward playing ground floor, save every penny to cure his son. No money to buy supplements, looking at the original robust takeoff go weak day by day, parents distressed. Face of a child, the parents hold back all the grievances and bitterness. Huang Tengfei went to visit a friend told reporters, tears off of her mother all day, and when the face off, never smiled and told the children,http://bbs.ithome.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "to hold on,http://www.he265-1375797.adminkc.cn, be strong." Family survive from day to day teeth difficult days.
Help? Helpless
Has canceled school, the school does not grant policy
Off a never thought that this brief "window period" will encounter such difficulties. During take-off doctor, he came to the University of Finance and uncle Huang Guangde,http://www.woodart.com.au,tiffany outlet italia, asking whether there is relevant subsidy policy. The school reluctantly said, the situation is very awkward encounter off, he has no enrollment in school. On policy,christian louboutin homme, school helpless. Foreign Language Department leaders said, after school and higher authorities will negotiate, to take off some of the financial aid.
When reporters refer to the "Shanghai University of Finance and student health insurance system implementation details," see, "Students enjoy health care benefits starting time of admission procedures, and has made me the date of school enrollment and student ID; self-handling school procedures, and date according to school regulations stop the cancellation of school students enjoy health care treatment "while in the" National College Graduate Employment Agreement "in one:." Schools should arrange a medical examination before the student graduates, who failed not to send If the employer physical condition of the graduates have special requirements,http://www.sapid.org, before signing the agreement in principle on an independent medical examination, otherwise subject to medical school. "
Did not sign labor contracts, health insurance companies do not assume
Subsequently, Huang uncle went to PricewaterhouseCoopers. As early as years ago, Huang Tengfei and PricewaterhouseCoopers had signed a letter of intent of employment. Huangteng Fei Wang's department manager explained to his uncle, according to the relevant provisions of the contract, in the absence of a formal labor contract signed diagnosed with the disease, health insurance companies do not assume obligations.
Jue Wang Ying said the teacher counselor, school career center and PricewaterhouseCoopers have long-term relationship, PwC considered from a humanitarian point of view to give some financial support services. Huang Tengfei where the head of the department Wang said the department is in talks on economic assistance measures. Specific ways but also to give a reply after waiting for some time.
Reporters learned from the Medicare hotline, about student health insurance is automatically stopped school cancellation days. After the unit to pay medical insurance premiums,http://tjcutao.com/discuzx31gbk/home.php?mod=space&uid=272904, graduates can get health care. And this how to dispose of a blank, hotline did not give the answer. "Cold", so that Huang Tengfei an impasse.
No entry, not settled, difficult to apply for charitable funds
That message off sick, friends who want a variety of ways for him, hope for some support. But friends discovered charities set up a "high threshold." Jue Wang Ying Huang Tengfei teacher counselor contacted several charitable foundations, Wang declined all other requests. Most of the reasons given is "no Shanghai household registration" and "Age does not match." After numerous searches, Wang found the China Charity Network a leukemia charity project that required to produce proof of poverty. Wang and her students studied what the status of the applicant, that little hope. "On the Internet, the situation of the applicant had a miserable one. The quota was very limited."
Let Wang feel extremely Unfortunately, Wang Tengfei to apply to the Shanghai high residence, if successful entry, you can immediately set up procedures. I wish to apply for funding on the big lot. But had all the problems are horizontal in this graduation "vacuum."
● When I was suddenly faced with this harsh reality, when I had to give up hard-won job when I had the first step in this way to meet into the community. Whenever I think of these, I always fail to live up to cry, not because of fear, but because of gratitude.
● now really up to my 22 years of life's most difficult moments, alone with my parents really can not force through this difficult period, I really need your help! This is a saving grace, I will use a lifetime to pay off! Thank you! Thank you for all the care and help me!
- Excerpt from Huang Tengfei weblog
Only donations to help him?
Love everyone online quote turn and turn, Huang Tengfei friends who can not remember which is the first of several posts turn. "Fun" word always hovering in my mind, in order to solve immediate problems,http://www.wareportal.co.jp, friends were running around, launched the initiative to the students, other students also find strangers Department counselor for contributions ...... However, good friends but more and more helpless: Apart from donations, there are other methods to help him do?
Huang Tengfei a patchwork of breath, finally Couchu five or six million, but the cost of medical expenses for only a week. As for next week,nike tn pas cher, I have been afraid to think.
Even in school to launch fund-raising, the current situation is not very optimistic. College students have no income, students are also just work off campus donations drop in the bucket.
The students do not know when they can stick to, but no one dared to imagine the terrible possibilities: If it is difficult to support the economic takeoff of life will be difficult to continue. The always vibrant, sunny, "pistachio", this will roommate sick all night waiting well-wishers, this break a world of excellent students in a foreign country,tn pas cher femme, but this time the edge of life and death struggle.
To sell the family house, and a present of the wealthy family, but now they are worried shrouded day.
In the face of harsh reality, perseverance but also to all the students moved:. "I want to tell you my new goal, I want to test large fiscal graduate back to your side, I would do that optimistic, cheerful, love jokes to take off. " sent a text message on the bed, so that friends feel both pleased and uncomfortable.
A sunny boy, how because of economic distress and give up on life? Graduation is in the "vacuum period", he can only do nothing in the face of fate?
Shanghai "Youth Daily" Feed