are perplexing

Net Changsha March 4 (Xiaoxiang Morning News reporters Ren Wenjing and Shi Xisheng He Huizai correspondent Yu Jing) movie "Crazy Stone", the bad practices of some Robber people laughing. Yesterday,, Yuhua District Court heard the robbery, robbery several thieves,,louboutin pas cher, the same people vomit blood.
Rob wealthy boss,christian louboutin homme, forgot weapon
September 22, 2010, Lee received a Lei Moumou phone: "I know that Changsha has a place to play cards, are some owners, each of them with hundreds of thousands of cash you are called a couple of people, us. go there to get some money to use with. "Lee bangs, immediately contact old classmates Lei, Lei Yang also called on the playmate.
The next morning, Lee specifically trio arrived by car from Changsha, Changde, and Lei Moumou met to discuss a preliminary plan. The evening of September 24, missing a full day of Lei Moumou and bring back the latest situation, "indeed there is such a place,, it's easy,, just be able to grab the hundreds of thousands." Thus,, the four immediate concern destination. Available at the place to look, are perplexing, here is a hotel, there is security, and the coming and going, what kind of weapons did not bring their own, how to grab?
Rob hostel owner, who filled not available
Robbery is not the boss,louboutin homme pas cher, Lei Moumou gave birth to a meter, "Red Star was a guest house owner is a woman, she has a gold necklace, should the value of ten thousand pieces."
The other three immediately rushes ideas. "Why do not we past that night, said to be housing, renowned for the opportunity to grab."
The evening of September 26, four ready for action. Before acting, they also specially sent Yang to beating the wind, go to grab the hostel to book a room. Before long, Yang sadly back, "hostel business is good, and did not availability." Four for two hours, still no empty beds.
The next day, four went to the hostel. This time, they finally opened to the room, but hostel Azeri,, can not start.
Then grab another hostel, do not know the way Arrested
Two robbery without success, Yang gave up. Lei Moumou can not be reconciled, he proposed: "there is a guest house, there is only a man and a woman." They decided to old trick.
Lee and Ray into a guest house, guest house, only a female tenant and his wife, both ecstatic. And following her to see double, and pay thirty dollars. When the boss took the laptop from the double room, Lee would lock her neck with his left hand with his right hand in her face hit several punches,, the wife unconscious on the spot. Lee snatched the red purse from her hand,, ripped a necklace from her neck, also seized 330 yuan in cash from her trouser pocket, walked along a laptop. Leimou grab a female tenant of a mobile phone.
Succeed, they stopped a motorbike, Mount master asked where to go, they do not know the road, it just means a direction to the Red Star building materials market. After the two vehicles for the Mount, to the Wanjiali Road, Lei Moumou ready to be there. Who would have thought the police car pulled up, they started to run, or be caught.
After identification,air max outlet, the two grabbed property worth a total of 5787 yuan,nike tn pas cher, the wife and daughter of battered labeled Sometimes tenants and minor injuries. Trial, two defendants confessed to their crimes. Since all the proceeds of crime recovered, and the two men pleaded guilty a good attitude, the court sentenced Lee to rob 8 years in prison, sentenced to Leimou 7 years and 6 months in prison.