Since then

Hungry students do not call a penalty shout the name of the job of the school number was hurled to the ground

9-year-old boy suffered a teacher "cold violence"

Times News end of the summer, the school officially usher in first day of school, parents are beginning helped purchase school supplies.

Parents Hangzhou, a second grader of Sun, but finishing the son Bingbing more than 10 copies of the last semester of exercise books, examination papers, the real name of complaints to the mayor's hotline 12345 language teacher son cold violence against a child.

This year, things started from March 29 to start.

Times reporter intern reporter Zhou Chun Chun Chen Jiawen

Times reporter Jiang Shengli photo

9-year-old pupils fined hungry

March 29 this year,giubbotto moncler prezzo, nine-year-old came home from school after Bingbing, very unusual to not have dinner until 21:00 more than just shouting hungry.

Sun touched his son's forehead, make sure he did not get sick, under questioning,peuterey outlet bologna, Bingbing stammered before noon,moncler sito ufficiale, the text did not back out, teach the language of Wang do not give yourself a meal, until the afternoon after school, only with noon heat blisters rice, so that their belly pad.

The same thing happened again in April 6, afternoon,, Bingbing at school on the way to tell my father that he was again Wang hungry stomach. Sun intolerable, immediately turn back school, rushed to the teacher's office.

Sun admitted that when he took the table, but also throat loud, impatient attitude chapter geology teacher asked the class.

But Zhang Bingbing teachers are hungry and do not know. "But she told me repeatedly apologized, saying that Wang is a 30 years old teacher teaching experience, have their own set of teaching, and to ensure the same thing does not happen again." Sun recalled that Wang was a language teacher interpretation of remarks made him uncomfortable: "She was explained to me, ya children between classes in the morning (around 9:30) eating milk and cookies, hungry in the afternoon, is not bad, she still hungry debate. Bingbing said to dinner time is around 1 o'clock in the afternoon. "

Sun believes that the little boy is very laborious study, plus recess activities consume a lot, if Bingbing is 13:00 to eat, not to the dinner time is not hungry.

But look at the sub-chapter teacher sincere apology, Sun did not continue to pursue that day.

But he did not expect, Ranger's "nightmare" has only just begun.

The teacher job fell to the ground

Since then, Bingbing really never starve, but he never again be correcting homework before.

Prior to each dictation, language teachers will transcribe the words arranged homework, reporters opened a Ranger in the second half of the semester grade words transcribe this, the last full year mark is March 29.

"The so-called full mark, the final surface is marked with red hook in the job, signed a date, there is a typo on the ring out, strokes irregularities will ring out, after March 29, it is no such marking a .4 After the 6th I went to school to find a teacher, each marking a date or just, or nothing left. "Sun said, pointing to the job of this.

Wang Bingbing batch jobs not only, or even close to the end of the two classroom test volume in the absence of complete marking of direct write "0" points.

While in a classroom with other students of the test volume, there are traces of a red marking pen, there are scores.

Just do not change that language teacher jobs over Ranger Sun encourages the initiative to present to the office to make homework teachers mark.

"The first day, Bingbing and Delivery of this into account, Wang directly to the book thrown to the ground, and said,, 'I do not want to see you' for three days, get past the book are Wang fell to the ground, I will Bingbing not let go. "Sun sighed.

A few days later, the school requires lattice buy exercise books, Bingbing repeatedly describe unclear. Thus, the Sun Tingting home with students Bingbing to ask. Tingting is not afraid of life girl, she saw the Ranger and called out: "! 21" Sun surprised, asked why so called Tingting Bingbing.

"We would have not called Wang Bingbing name, now only call him number '21, ''21 numbers' is the Ranger school number." Break up with somebody tells Sun Tingting.

Fewer children smile

Since then, the state Bingbing's getting worse every night is a preoccupied look back. Sun says language teacher from first grade teacher Wang began to teach Bingbing, but the child's performance has been very good, always hovering in the bottom few.

Mr. Sun said that many students are there Bingbing class field Jie Du,, are not like Wang, but we can only suffer in silence in the heart. "They originally Jie Du, where the teacher can not afford to offend, so if ya hungry children a few meals, we have not investigated, so passed. Meals can be a meal hungry children,, it may be out of a hungry stomach come, life look bad. We hope Wang let the kids eat a meal,hogan false, and then recite their homework. "

"June, Bingbing have no smiling face, do not go out to play, and if the child had depression, can be hard days later, I was reluctant to call him when there are two weeks away from the end of every day I helped motivate him The final language final test had an unprecedented 80 points. It would appear that Bingbing not stupid Yeah, encourage, or to test good! "

During the summer, every day in order to allow Sun frowned tight Bingbing can relax, asking him whenever he woke up every day, and then do homework until noon, after a nap on letting him out to play.

When the reporter first met Ranger is the end of August, when he was sweating profusely from the outside coming in, very dark tan skin, always smiling.

"It is only through a summer recovery." Sun said, "Bingbing often sick as a child,sito moncler ufficiale, poor health, family regarded him as heartstrings,peuterey vendita on line, so kids still very cheerful."

Part of the problem the school confirmed the existence of

The teacher has been on leave after the parties back to school work to be arranged

Expert opinion

Violence in the deep harm to the child

August 30, Sun call the mayor's hotline 12345, real name complaints Wang's various acts, directed at the text on the back not hungry, not correcting homework, unit testing marking to 0, but only to children learn number four aspects of the problem, the relevant departments to be dealt with.

District School Board came forward

August 31, the District Board of Education and teacher Zhang and Wang teacher contact,, Wang have also given her explanation.

She said no text back Bingbing, really did not give a meal, but only hungry to 13:00, not like Mr. Sun said that "hungry before the afternoon after school to"; in accordance with the relevant primary burden policy, students are no homework , the Sun is reflected in classroom exercise book, originally without marking; classroom tests have "0" points, because the test score is "wrong one upside down 5 points," more than once wrong, indeed. " 0 "points appear; another in the classroom, for convenience sake, do sometimes called student school, but not only for one person Bingbing.

At 15 o'clock on September 1 to 5:00, Wang and Zhang Bingbing home teacher came home visits. Reporters noted that Wang could not just admit that the text will not be back to eat it, for another three points remain silent. Chapter teacher except apologize,woolrich cadriano orari, I hope not give Sun a chance schools and teachers.

September 2,, the day the book issued by the school. While supplies last child, a vice president of Sun went into the school office, holding exercise books, classroom test volume real name Wang complaint.

Vice-principal of the school admitted that before the school did not know, until August 30, Mr. Sun will be reflected to the mayor's hotline. Vice President that we will verify the content, once true, will make a deal. But she did not agree to change the teacher's request, Mr. Sun made.

September 3, the school on the first day of school, go to school where the Sun District School Board were reflected.

September 4 at noon, Sun told reporters, District Education union president gives the final results of the consultation, the school principal personally Bingbing where classes teach language lessons, which Sun basically satisfied with it.

The teacher has been on leave parties

Since Sun reflects the problem to the mayor's hotline 12345, the school has carried out investigation into the incident.

School President Chen said, according to the school's current investigation, the partial results reflect parents differ significantly. "Indeed there is a delay to the children to eat the phenomenon, but at the teacher and Wang himself understood, 13:00 gave the children to eat a meal." However, since the Sun to school approached, it never occurred to let children hungry stomach conditions.

For the teacher does not correct homework, explained Professor Chen is given: "sophomore no homework, the students do not do are in accordance with their wishes,, the teacher can freely modify the classwork Bingbing Wang is still correct. of. "

President Chen told the students think school number in school is very common. "The teacher at the time of the job change, called the school, turn the wheel down will not miss. We asked Bingbing at the same table, there should be no single case of a person called him learn numbers."

Since September 4, Wang on the "got anxiety" on the grounds of temporary sick leave, please, back to school time is uncertain. "She said she did not sleep well lately. Wang back to school work, if no longer teach the language of Ranger school will be based on her physical condition and then make arrangements." President Chen believes that Wang did with Sun communicate well,, relatively deep contradictions spin, if the language is still taught Bingbing, Wang is not conducive to good health, but also on the relationship adversely.

Students recalled

"Wang Bingbing job is not granted."

Sun talked about for the case, the reporter found a few Bingbing classmates, including three students told reporters say their own eyes.

"Bingbing do not like language classes,peuterey uomo prezzi, will have a lot of little tricks. Math class he would not, play only in a language lesson." Ting said, "Wang likes good scores, hate poor performance. Each Text Bingbing almost back out, the teacher did not like him, he is not good, and sometimes he was not allowed to eat, be sure to back over to eat. "

According Tingting memories, language textbooks next semester sophomore Lesson 20 called "If you got lost in the wild", it is difficult back, Bingbing was back out, the teacher punished him transcribe the entire text 10 times. Wang checks the next day, the Ranger did not back out, there is no copy of the text. Wang teacher in the classroom on the Ranger said: "If you listen to the words of my father, because eating and sleeping without copying the text, after that these jobs are to modify your father well, I just marking classwork."

Tingting said, when she failed to complete, and many students recite the text, we are home to fine copy of the 10 times. "After returning home I punish copying 2:00 to complete."

Tingting said that since then, Wang Bingbing no longer marking homework, while others correcting homework or normal. If Wang changed jobs in the office, to be awarded to the next Bingbing and Wang will work with other students to come and collect this to say: "I do not approve of the job Bingbing,giacca peuterey, this you bring him back."

"Let's face Bingbing sitting in the last lecture."

There is also a little contact with Bingbing sweet girl, she told reporters, Wang quite fierce, you can teach good. Once the text did not back out at noon, not to eat, to read on the podium five times to eat.

"Classroom, named Wang and change the text, are called Ranger '21 numbers', but that we still call names. Wang rarely see him work, and rarely speak to him. Wang sometimes in the classroom change in classwork, Bingbing job this is going to fly directly from the podium, he was able to pick it up from the ground. "Sweet said.

Sweet remember, once, Wang teacher before class, the Ranger suddenly pulled the last row of the table, but also in front of the students face,hogan femminili, said:. "Language lessons, you are not allowed to sit in front."

When approaching the end of the period, Wang changed jobs in the office, a few score almost casually fling this job, Wang told them only to learn numbers.

Finally, the 9-year-old also admitted that he sweetly cried Ranger "on the 21st," she said: "I think the name is the name of the student number and called no difference ah, not the same person you were called so many students now begin? He called number '21 'it! "

Another vast male students said: "I do not like Wang, she almost everywhere, and sometimes a good batch of the fly over on classwork, but also hit other students."

Expert opinion

Violence in the deep harm to the child's team

Ranger was 9 years old this year, not the text on the back hungry, the teacher told the students to learn numbers, not a few things, such as correcting homework, do not tell their parents until they were asked just said it.

After listening to the story of Bingbing, Hangzhou Ling habitat Counseling Center, said Lu Jianhua, senior counselors, kindergarten to elementary school in a few years in the transition period, the child's psychological problems than adolescent easy. 9-year-old child is not a complete judgment, feedback capability, ability to protect themselves against the teacher all the "discrimination" does not know is wrong, it is not timely and accurate feedback to parents, coupled with fear of the parents to bring two second punishment, so even encountered injustice, did not dare to say.

For example, the teacher said to him:. "Your father told you to give priority to health, and that you do not copy your homework," 9-year-olds are the most simple reason to understand, and not react the same as an adult it is one irony.

In addition, today's children have only one child, who is not strong interpersonal skills, to treat adults,hogan collezione 2014, especially those with the authority of the image of a teacher,woolrich giacconi, often unquestioningly. The teacher can not communicate the way to adults, because children really can not understand.

After more than two months of "discrimination", give the child a deep psychological impact is beginning exhibit very quiet, does not love to go out to play, introverted up. But in his subconscious, security will be lowered, but also bring feelings of inferiority, both of which will affect his life.