put the injured arm

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Recently, the "Siping Forum" in a post on our attention, a nurse at the emergency task execution Photos water touched friends, is called "the most beautiful Siping nurse."

Who is she,http://www.z888.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=? Rescue scene touched friends

At 12:09 on December 18, netizen "spxf" in "Siping Forum" published a post entitled "The most beautiful nurse Siping, Siping best firefighting soldiers,". A total of 13 pictures, accompanied by text, content is roughly:

September 2008, a bus rushed to the water under the viaduct, many fire officers and hospital emergency personnel at the scene from Siping rescue. Among these,hogan prezzi bassi, one looks sweet female nurse standing water, braved the rain,http://www.usiwakamaru.or.jp/~budda/cgi-bin/diary/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=10/, encouraging smashed injured in vehicle until the bus falling bridge was lifted, the injured were rescued and rushed to hospital.

In Photos, you can see the female nurse standing water,moncler 2011, holding the oxygen bag and wounded dialogue, Wang Chu and colleagues carry the injured.

Post one, female nurses deeds get unanimous praise users.

She is a nurse aid convoy

Where she is a nurse? What's her name? What happened that day? Where are you now?

Reporters tried to contact the poster, to understand what happened that day. Netizen named "spxf", much like "Siping Fire,http://deaikeisearch.com," the first letter combinations.

Reporters immediately with the Secret Squadron made contact a responsible person. The other said that they did participate in the rescue mission, and saw the nurse. But who is the photo shoot,negozi woolrich,http://tauworks.com, he did not know.

Yesterday morning, the reporter with a remake of the photos came Siping city emergency center. Duty officer said that the accident, emergency center sent almost all vehicles and personnel on duty. However, there's not their female nurses,spaccio peuterey, day labor shortage, other hospitals also rushed to the ambulance.

Reporters found the reports about the accident, which basically says the wounded sent to Siping Siping City Central Hospital and the First People's Hospital.

Yesterday afternoon,hogan femminili, the reporter first team doctor and hospital emergency centers Fan Yu battalion made contact, he recognized a team of nurses, nurse precisely Wang Yang, and she lifted the wounded man is his doctor.

Van Camp said Yu,moncler outlet firenze, Wang Yang recently leave due to health reasons, you can go home to find.

Could not hold on to speak injured

"And this photo ah,http://xq0757.com/read.php?tid=928452,prezzo woolrich, who shot you?" In the vicinity of the four houses in a daily newspaper, the reporter saw Wang Yang, she was surprised to see the photos.

25-year-old Wang Yang said, did not expect the water to save the scene would be shot down, and after more than a year later sent to the Internet.

Arrived at the scene after the incident the same day,woolrich outlet serravalle, the majority of the injured have been taken away ambulance, a bus smashed at the bottom of the male victim has not been first aid. I and three colleagues immediately rushed to the water, ready to aid.

The sky was raining, the man smashed under the bus could not move, the whole body is under water, and only above shoulder exposed. There are a lot of injuries on his face and right ears almost fell off, the people dying.

Crane has not yet arrived, my colleagues and I decided to give the injured point was lost. I probe into it, put the injured arm, the nurse in charge of Ge Yumei injections. As a result, due to the injured arm has been swollen bubble, see the blood vessels, can not proceed.

Infusion No, I bent over, holding his oxygen contracted oxygen, talk to him, tell him not to sleep, to insist that we will soon be able to go rescue him. I insist on the four or five minutes, the bus was then came the crane lifted. Later, I and Fan Yu camp and fire officers who took him along on an ambulance.

After examination, the victim suffered multiple fractures, serious injuries. If not, get the oxygen in the water, if there is no dialogue Wang Yang has been to keep him awake,http://www.wearmydiveart.com, may persist until the last.

A few months later, the situation is stable Wang Haibin injured after treatment to Shenyang, the vehicle's medical staff is Wang Yang and Fan Yu camp. Car, Wang Haibin, said a lot of thanks.

Unfortunately, the reporter repeated efforts, has not been able to contact the Wang Haibin.

■ dialogue Wang Yang

"After launching a little afraid, I'm afraid there are bugs."

Reporter: Have you ever had before launching rescue the injured thing,http://www.ryokolink.com?

Wang Yang: No, never met before, and then it did not come across.

Reporter: When the water hesitate before?

Wang Yang: When the water did not hesitate,dove comprare woolrich online,http://www.hao0979.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, after launching a little afraid, I'm afraid there are bugs, but did not care so much.

Reporter: You and the injured say what?

Wang Yang: crane not to, I'll chat with him,hogan attractive, I told him to stick for a while, do not sleep in the past, and soon will be able to rescue him.

Reporter: He was the situation how?

Wang Yang: I am serious, but he did not want to talk, I'm afraid that he fainted, and asked his name, where people, how old. He said he called Wang Haibin, Shenyang people,giacconi woolrich outlet, doing sales work, and less than three years old. Then he not speak, evidently also fainted.

Reporter: You can not let him sleep in the past.

Wang Yang: Yes, I went on to say, I was Siping city hospital nurse, I called Wang Yang, you repeat. He would repeat. So, I try to make him talk to me until the crane came to the scene, the whole process lasted four or five minutes. During this period, he had several brief fainting, were I wake up.

Reporter: I'm feeling it.

Wang Yang: Yes, ah, later, when I left the emergency room, he gently tugged at my arm, perhaps thanks on behalf of the bar. (Reporter Fan Liang Source: Culture News)