the old woman could see the scale was took

China Jiangsu Network November 23 hearing in order to dissuade Jeeves old woman left,scarpe hogan, chased after trying to persuade a number, as if weighing scales away Granny, Granny knelt down to see requirements also scales,borse gucci, inspectors saw, also knelt down and begged Granny leave. Yesterday morning, Suqian public provided to reporters during this period of Law Enforcement to kneel Granny video, parties chased the unit confirmed that it's true.

According to the content of this video, a uniformed officer chased kneeling in front of an old woman wearing a Red Hat,moncler sito ufficiale, chased right hand with the wood weighing scales toward the old woman kept saying something. Granny, nodding from time to time, the left hand of police officers pulled his hands, kneeling on the ground trying to pull up the inspectors. After more than ten seconds, the old woman took the inspectors left arm with both hands and pull it up. Result of a sudden,,woolrich sito ufficiale, some businesses around afar off, voted to the surprised eyes.

According to members of the public witnessed the introduction Granny chased to kneel scene took place in the afternoon of the 17th European Suqian urban community gardens Simon, wearing a red hat lady of about 60 years old. The people say that first saw an old woman like waste collection pushed the car in, then came to a city management, the old woman weighing scales to use wooden took. At this time,hollister sale, the old woman could see the scale was took, suddenly kneeling in front of the inspectors,scarpe hogan, the old lady just knelt down on one knee,, the inspectors also saw immediately fell on his knees down. Lady saw him, immediately stood up, his hands pulled chased arm, ready to pull him up.

A nearby merchant said, who chased kneel Shizhuwunai after he repeatedly discouraged Granny invalid, there is no way to scale and only then took Granny, Granny might frighten Granny wants to leave.

Chu people just passing time of the incident scene,,hogan 2014, witnessed the whole process of the trouble. According to its introduction,, the old lady was pushing a tricycle shops along the temporary road waste collection may be tricycle lane, and then chased staff came up, "Auntie,louboutin homme, you quickly go!" But after listening to the old lady and did not immediately leave,piumini moncler outlet, so he chased the lad lady scales in his hand, "he meant the old lady should be let go as soon as possible. The old lady took a look at the scales are, then knelt down and said,, 'I Please, you said to me. '"At this time,, Mr. Zhu noted that urban management officers saw the woman kneel, and immediately it fell on his knees down, his mouth kept saying something, Mr. Zhu vaguely heard He said, "I beg you,hogan uomo outlet, you quickly go." After the old lady pulled up the city management,woolrich outlet, urban management and put the balance back to the old lady, old lady pushing a tricycle and then left.

Zhu said, there are a lot of witnesses at the scene, chased kneel at the moment, a lot of people feel very surprised, and he was very shocked. In Chu seems,, urban law enforcement kneel purely upset.

Yesterday afternoon,,basket jordan pas cher, the reporter with the parties chased the unit made contact, a duty officer said that this is true, but the situation is not too understanding. Source: China Jiangsu Network

(Original title: Nanjing City Administration for the elderly and advise from Jeeves Granny mutual kneeling (Figure))