there are many pick wild jujube

Autumn park climbing viewing people such as weaving, Beijing suburban parks, scenic holidays basically crowds. Recently, the reporter found that now is the persimmon, ginkgo, walnuts and other dried fruit season, a lot of money in the face of numerous parks, "production", some visitors to the park in the remainder of the mining pick persimmons ginkgo, although each park area are prohibited from picking climbing,woolrich prezzi, but because of lack of patrol officers, unable to put an end to this situation. Many park visitors recommend comprehensive utilization of resources,giubbotti woolrich, after picking the fruit can also be used for public, which represents more than the park, although many fruit yield in the park, but mostly birds and wildlife rations, tourists do not want to pick.

■ guy rolled down nearly persimmon

Recently, this reporter visited the Xiangshan, Badachu,louboutin scarpe,, Beijing Botanical Garden Park, in the park persimmon tree, ginkgo tree laden with fruit,,hogan, many visitors have looked big persimmon persimmon tree "coveted", there are a variety of ways people picking These fruit.

In the Fragrant Hills Park, the reporter saw a young man,, deftly climbed to the top adult thighs persimmon tree, then rattled, nearly like a big persimmon rain fell to the ground, and many visitors have to pick up the ground, was also off Under the jacket packs dozens of persimmon. There are people with a stick, threw tall persimmon tree,nike tn, persimmon spending. Some tourists stoned ginkgo, carrying a plastic bag is a bag to pick up. "It's a good harvest scene." Tourists quipped, looking busy picking scene, think of the harvest in rural areas, and sent the visitors to the park's lake fishing nets of koi.

■ Park crowd appeared picking

"I have picked up some ginkgo annually, mainly porridge." An old man said he would not hit the ginkgo tree, but a lot of people every year to see the chaos throw a brick stoning persimmon tree,giubbotti moncler, ginkgo tree, causing damage to trees . Some young hands agile, climbing the effort is very powerful, more than 10 meters tall ginkgo tree dared to climb, looking very dangerous. Ginkgo pick-old said the park will not control people generally pick persimmons, gingko, but if climbing a tree,,nike tn, the tree will drop tube.

In addition, the reporter's visit, in the many parks,, there are many pick wild jujube, chestnuts and other wild fruits, they generally went into the dense woods, empty-handed into the park,, it is a rewarding experience when you go out.

■ several parks prohibit picking

Reporter on this issue to the Fragrant Hills Park, Badachu parks and botanical gardens and many parks ask,moncler donna, park square staff have indicated, according to relevant regulations, the park is prohibited picking, climbing is not permitted,woolrich sito ufficiale, except in order to protect trees and greenery, More visitors for security considerations, the ginkgo tree, persimmon tree generally higher, visitors climb after accidentally falling in case of accidents, the consequences are too severe. Generally in the autumn, there will be someone to patrol the park and hang "prohibit picking" prompt card, visitors stop climbing, smashing trees picking behavior,doudoune moncler homme, but because of the large park area, patrol understaffed and can not guarantee the behavior of visitors to pick can be found immediately. "Fruit trees in the park is mainly green, ornamental effect, not for the picking." Badachu Park Service personnel,scarpe hogan outlet shop, the park has hundreds of trees persimmon tree, winter persimmons hanging in the branches, especially after the snow is nice a scene. If visitors gave the pick over this scene, there is no

■ Why can not pick open

Some visitors also said that a lot of a lot of fruit trees in the park, the yield is also great, let persimmon,bracciali tiffany, ginkgo fall rot is a waste, "according to the yield advantage of the park,, such as picking a number of complimentary to the old park,, children, later used to improve services or sales, or directly to the persimmon presented to nursing homes, orphanages, etc. "Guest said, even hand-picked to play tourist development project is also very good.

Several parks, said Parks and persimmons, walnuts and other wild fruit forests within the country, a lot of birds and wildlife winter food. But because there is no punishment, usually found picking visitors, park only to stop, in serious cases can only be sent to the police station, and therefore do not want visitors and animals "fight fruit."

■ text and photo / reporter Lihua Liang

■ provide clues / Ms. Zhang

(Original title: getting ripe fruit park visitors secretly busy picking)