vehicle collision

Information Times Reporter correspondent Liu Chuan He Xiaomin

Hit and killed her husband, the court Panpei 26 million yuan, the wife busy points in damages, sued six children,, require compensation payments alone occupies. Here wrangling, there have not received hospital medical expenses. Is to pay a penny or medical expenses? Recently, the city by the courts of such a separation analysis of production, Judgment to deduct medical expenses again sharing.

Old man killed in an accident medical expenses owed

Huang Wu old man and his wife were married, gave birth to a daughter married,moncler sito ufficiale, previously, yellow old man and his ex-wife gave birth to two children and three women. February 26, 2013 morning, yellow old man riding a bicycle in Zeng River Road south to north direction from the second lane from the right side (front),, Lee drove a truck right side from south to north direction from the second Article lane (in the post), the two sides line to the city by the Eastern Market section of River Road, vehicle collision, yellow old man injured.

After 93 days of hospitalization yellow old man, died, Lee and the insurance company to advance a portion of medical expenses owed by the city People's Hospital for medical expenses of 12 million yuan. June 2013,louboutin pas cher, Wu and six children issued a letter of commitment, they will sue Lee traffic accident liability dispute case,, said the voluntary consent in getting compensation, through a lawyer, the compensation shall be paid in priority from the medical expenses. Wu was signed on behalf of its own daughter.

After that, the court Lee and the insurance company paid a total of 26 million yuan,, Wu et al., Agreed by the escrow agent Momou collection. After Momou actually received 21 million yuan, there are more than 40,000 yuan Lee remaining unpaid.

Busy wife sued six points producing children

No other compensation payments all arrival, Wu will be busy with the six children reported to the court, with their old and sick, physically disabled,, no source of income and other grounds, require the judgment of all compensation payments to himself all. 5 non-biological children is not agreed, saying that his father had left all cash assets owned by Wu and Wu,louboutin homme pas cher, also part of the revenue village dividends and rents, the "feast",christian louboutin homme, not as Wu said no income, raising several children also love to give her gratitude concern. Wu's daughter is asking the court verdict.

5 non-biological children require, compensation payments, and should come up with 12 million yuan for medical expenses, the remaining amount is divided equally. The former case is somewhat Momou agent "innocent", he is also the case for the claim advanced by a few hundred dollars,, the appointment of the 15 percent of attorneys' fees not received, this case has become an indisputable case of third party production . Momou said in court, when the old man into a vegetative state after Huang, several children in advance to pay for medical expenses after promise to get compensation payments,louboutin, the hospital agreed to continue treatment. And Wu's lawyer in court,, Wu also once denied making such a promise.

Fierce arguments here, there and hospitals get scared, so Wu and six children in turn reported to the Court for payment of medical expenses.



Prepaid compensation


Medical expenses and then split

Zengcheng court that the nature of the compensation shall not yellow old man's legacy, but as compensation payments, designed to compensate for the loss of Wu et al. Although not heritage, but Wu, who is still a common property, Wu require segmentation inappropriate. And Wu is no evidence that it has no source of income, but also failed to demonstrate a few children do not have their maintenance obligations, compensation shall be equal distribution.

The compensation is not included in the hospital's medical expenses are not paid to Wu, who has been the loss of actual expenditure,, the court will be included in the medical debts and ordered to pay compensation to Wu et al., Is based on their old man with yellow The special status relationship does not necessarily mean owed compensation for medical expenses that are included in the common property of Wu et al. Wu's five non-biological children require advance payment of medical expenses, the court will be accepted.

The Court also believes that Wu believes the compensation should not be obtained in advance of reimbursement of medical expenses owed proposition contrary to public order and good morals principle, is not conducive to carry out medical and health services, nor conducive to life-saving society to carry forward the good customs.

Court, in compensation payments, it should be withheld payments owed to the hospital for medical expenses, the remaining funds then by 7 people equally.