and quickly stand up

Two days ago, a late snow falls in Chengdu. On Pengzhou Peony Avenue, a young woman was in a car near the vehicle battery shivering,,hogan outlet, gathered around a large number of people, but no one would dare stepped forward to help. "A young man took off his jacket covered in me." Yesterday morning, Li Xue (a pseudonym) Speaking of that accident, kept repeating, "I must find this kind of young people, face to face gratitude."

Woman was a coat warmth

Yesterday morning, Li Xue is Pengzhou home recuperating, "I work in downtown Pengzhou, I usually ride a cable car." Recalls the day before the accident,, she still haunt.

18 am the day before yesterday, Li Xue riding to work when the battery reaching Peony Avenue intersection, after the head-on collision with a car battery immediately fell to the ground, because the cold and tense body completely helpless. After the accident, the scene quickly gathered a lot of people, but no one stepped forward to help Li Xue, until Yang Zhichuan appears.

"Passing Peony Avenue,lancel soldes,, found the opposite of non-motorized trail around a lot of people." Instinctively, Yang Zhichuan immediately get off the view, I saw a woman lying on the ground unable to move. "It was snowing, the temperature is very low, so that is not the way to go." Yang Zhichuan immediately dialed 120, after which he approached the car battery Li Xue feet hanging down, it lying on the ground. "Uncertain her bones had not injured, so I do not move significantly."

Then, Li Xue Yang Zhichuan contacted the family. In the waiting process,, see Li Xue on the ground shivering, Yang Zhichuan did not think, immediately took off his coat over her body. Ten minutes later, 120 rushed to the scene, and everyone will work together to send Xue car.

Kindly rescue insurance is mistaken for the perpetrator

Pengzhou Hospital of Li Xue was sent for treatment, but fortunately did not cause illness. Yang Zhichuan in the rescue process, but almost sudden misunderstanding, "I had to call her husband, was also hit people misunderstand my tone a little unlucky." Yang Zhichuan said,, five minutes later, Li Xue's husband rush to the scene of the accident.

"A meeting,, he was ferocious stare at me and thought I hit people." Upon seeing Yang Zhichuan wit shouted out: "Oh butt in the end is which, and quickly stand up!" Carter, next Crowd of people at once, pointing to a man near the vehicle's battery. "Fortunately, the butt of the cable car drivers have been at the scene,,christian louboutin homme, the person next to me also testified, was to eliminate the misunderstanding."

Lift this misunderstanding, Xue very sorry, "after the impact, my mind has been blurred, to the hospital, her husband mentioned the matter, I just told him, is my savior." She hopes that through this newspaper, the Yang Zhichuan say I'm sorry, "I am sorry,louboutin femme pas cher, almost unfair to good people!"

Fear of misunderstanding on hand when the shot

"Misunderstanding explain enough." Yang Zhichuan Pengzhou is a civil servant, he said, in the future if we see similar things, he still will be the first time came to save.

Why so persistent? Yang Zhichuan talking about one thing.

"Ten years ago, my father took to the streets selling vegetables, was hit by a large truck, half an hour no one would dare to save him, thanks to a kind of big sister,, my father sent to hospital for treatment, the doctor said If 10 minutes late to the rescue, but may come. "This is something very deep impact on , let him at a critical moment" when the hand on hand. "

Yesterday, just when at the scene to reporters about the case, a passing citizen recognized him,hogan outlet, "hey, you're the previous day's big brother thing draped coats! We all feel loving Hello!" In the face of passers-praised, Yang Zhichuan quickly shook his hand and said: "!! We can see that will do nothing."

Chengdu Evening News reporter intern Wei Pei Yang Wen Ho