we really appreciate it."

Yesterday,hermes outlet online italia, the People's Liberation Army 309 Hospital, a liver transplant after Sudan and husband lying in the field of new propylene ICU, their fists raised for their own fuel, the doctor said two of the liver transplant surgery was very successful. Yesterday, the doctor was lying in the intensive care ward of Sudan combing hair.
■ "divorced women remarry two months for the husband to donate the liver" Track
Beijing News News in their experienced after major surgery to donate the liver and liver transplantation, yesterday, she and her husband Tian new propylene is awake, stable vital signs after surgery. To save suffering from severe liver ex Tian new C, 32-year-old Sudanese decision to remarry liver donation, the day before yesterday, in the General Staff General Hospital (309 Hospital of People's Liberation Army), Sudan donated more than 590 grams of liver was transplanted into the body of her husband. It will bring the field of new propylene born. (Newspaper reported Nov. 1)
Surgical bleeding less conducive to good recovery
Although the day before experienced more than 10 hours of surgery, but yesterday, lying in the intensive care unit of the New Sudan Wada C, has regained consciousness.
According to the Institute of Organ Transplantation, director of the army involved in transplant surgery Shi Bingyi introduced new propylene Wada Sudan currently postoperative recovery are good. Sudan donated 1/3 of the liver, liver function but will not have much impact. But after all, is a major surgery, her body is damaged, so now she has some weakness. Fortunately,http://www.winedin.com/cajun chicken/images/pair_food_wine.php?food=register.cgi, due to adequate preoperative preparation, intraoperative caution, the two little blood loss, postoperative recovery for their great help, Sudan does not need blood pressure adjustment.
"She awake soon, after more than one hour to wake up when more than 1:00 to see the Sudan, and she looked at me and smiled." After all, the liver from a healthy human body, in vivo organ donation surgery, Shi Bingyi To ensure that the donated liver donor surgery foolproof. See the smiling faces of the Sudan, his heart is more at ease.
Shi Bingyi said,http://football-station.net, compared to Sudan, Tian new body to be weak propionate some reason one is surgery, on the other hand is already started using anti-rejection drugs, his immune system becomes low. But after his liver function, kidney function, urine output, blood pressure, respiration normal indicators, mainly carried out to maintain the life and physical recovery after surgery, the key is to prevent infection.
Rejection will be in the controllable range
Tian new propylene body, whether it will accept his wife's "new liver"? Shi Bingyi said that after the liver transplant, the current field of new propylene will not appear rejection, usually after a couple of weeks, and this rejection is controlled within the range of treatment and doctors. "He will be able to get out of bed about three days, to the range of activities within the ICU. Sudan faster, is expected to be able to get out of bed tomorrow."
"Mom and Dad's liver to the body, and is not good, because it will hurt." The little girl tilted his head and asked, "liver will it hurt?" Sudan Wada New propionate 6-year-old daughter yesterday has been followed by grandparents and other people in the hospital .
She is not yet clear, mom and dad made a very big surgery, do not know how much risk there. But before Mom and Dad surgery, she cut two hearts, write "Dad, I love you" and "Mommy, I love you," asked the grandmother tucked under the pillow Sudan Wada new propylene.
The success of the operation, but also to Sudan's parents saw the doctor's dedication. "Watching them in order to save my daughter-in-law,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, stood at the operating table more than 10 hours, are too busy to eat rice, treated me like a daughter-in-law to treat their loved ones, we really appreciate it."
■ Features
Ward understanding couples
ICU ward quiet, only the sound of the instrument's operation and nurses shuttle footsteps,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, Sudan Wada new propylene lying quietly in bed. Although we can not stand up,http://www.koka-ia.jp, but Sudan's eyes are always trying to look to the left, the new field will open your eyes to the right look propionate. Between them is only a few steps away, but because of high myopia,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, not see each other. "We both said that we should have a tacit understanding that if we look at each other, we can encourage each other."
"I could hear him talking to the nurse's voice, though not loud enough, I have not, but I know that he is very good, and I know him too." As the installation of the stuff on the neck, Tian new propionate can not speak only with a hoarse voice effortlessly spit words. But even such a voice, but also to Sudan was very practical.
But she still kept asking the nurse, "my husband now how?" Enthusiastic nurses have answered the question of Sudan, told her new propylene right field.
"The result has been looking forward to meet, I feel lucky." Sultan said she had envisioned after surgery can be very painful, but not wanted to be a lot lighter actual pain, "I'm not tired, this pain, I too can bear , and so the value of so worth it. "
Sudan yesterday, always referred to as "lucky" word. She said they both intraoperative bleeding rarely without a blood transfusion, which is fortunate. After she and her husband are in good shape, but also lucky. "I believe he already had a good result." Sudan slightly turned, directed the Institute of Organ Transplantation, director of the army side of Shi Bingyi laugh.
In the intensive care room, Sudan raised his right hand, thumbs-up, softly shouted "Victory." Tian new propylene aside to hear, but also slightly lifted his arms, make a fist to show "success."
Sudan Parents:
Not in order to keep his daughter and let her guilt
The day after surgery, the daughter of Sudan to promote the operating room door, Chen Lijuan hiding corner of the stairs readily a cry. "All kinds of feelings are intertwined, there is wish them success in the mood, there is such a long time to release pent-up emotions, but also worried, very complicated."
Daughter is going to save my son
Sudan Wada new propylene day surgery ward Chen Lijuan one woman asked, "Is Sultan's mother." After receiving a positive response, that woman holding Chen Lijuan start shedding tears, said they were great.
But Chen Lijuan did not want to mention the "great" word, she felt that it is a piece of ordinary matter, they are very ordinary people, "My daughter is going to save my son, I would think so. I hope that her son's things, can Let people believe in true love. "
She and her husband Su Shulin on Medical Ethics Committee firmly stood his daughter aside and let a lot of people, including the ethics committee of experts, including admiration.
Chen Lijuan said, Sudan is their only child, how not to manage distressed. No pressure is false to say that he would secretly tears, but she could not give her pressure. During that time, the Sudanese hospital all day running around, looking for the source of liver,tn requin pas cher, constantly check the information online, you can sit with bowed head home to sleep,http://upgrade.skisnowboard.ca/home.php?mod=space&uid=401854, they looked at all distressed.
Worried about the surgery has done the worst
Decide when to call it a donation Sudan liver,nike air max, Chen Lijuan heart 'thump' a bit, but only a flash: Sudan's father is cancer patient, Sudan's daughter was so small. When the Sultan said to his mother, did not want to field a new propylene siblings bear the risk of surgery,hogan sito ufficiale, the Chen Lijuan did not dare to ask her, "If you could not make the operating table, how do we do? How do your daughter?"
There is a flash of time,http://bbs.foodmate.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the couple made a decision not hesitate to support her daughter. They do not want, in order to keep his daughter,scarpe hogan donna, made her heart forever guilty. And Tian new propylene very kind hearted, people are particularly good, if not because of this, they would not support such a daughter. "Rather than let her go through life with this feeling, it is better to support her decision."
When faced with the ethical review, their attitude is very firm. The couple made a variety of vision, the worst is the daughter could not make the operating table.
Now only the first step to successful operation, there are more risks in waiting for her son. Su Shulin Chen Lijuan and hope that we can recover as soon as possible.
Edition have written / Beijing News reporter Wang Kara
Edition photography / Beijing News reporter Wujiang
(Original title: liver donation remarried couple good recovery)