no Qiaodao trace.

Brother school sophomore in college dormitory consecutive school freshman brother stealing a laptop and other items,louboutin outlet,, dozens of crime, after being arrested by the police, school brother stunned the world: brother stole a laptop stolen on the addiction, if you do not steal at night to sleep.
University dormitory lost the next computer
Since late September of this year,hogan outlet 2015, a university student dormitory Xi'an frequent laptops, tablet PCs, mobile phones and other stolen property cases. Metro Police District Branch Road happiness after police received a report immediately to investigate the case. After survey on the incidence of student dormitories, police found the stolen dormitory door locks intact, no Qiaodao trace.
Subsequently, happiness Road police district police and school security departments to strengthen the management of the student dormitory and require administrators to access student dormitory laptop real-name registration, but found no useful clues.
Police arrested the thief waiting one week
Visited the police for further investigation learned that the suspect committed the crime at election time 9:00 to 11:00 student class time and 7 to 9 pm during study hall time,, rest time for students to grasp very accurate, police analysis that it might be a thief hiding in the dormitory, they decided in the dormitory dispatched waiting.
After a week of waiting, October 28 at 7 pm, waiting for the police in the hallway on the second floor of the dormitory students found a suspicious man figure, looking around, walked into a student dormitory, the police identified the suspect who is, immediately followed, after Qiaokai Men, a guy has moved to the bed with a laptop pocket is also filled with a stolen cell phone and cash.
He said do not steal sleep
Under questioning, the suspect Zhou 20-year-old,, Shaanxi Korean city people. According to his account, he began committing the crime is due to curiosity. Zhou said that one day the end of September this year,, he accidentally stabbed with his own key to lock a student dormitory, did not expect a sudden bypassed, and he entered the dorm, dorm see it just took a few things pieces. After that,, he seemed to steal other people's things more addictive, do not feel sleep stealing, stealing stuff from the development of lighter,, like a small piece to cell phones, laptops,, tablet PCs, cash and other bulky.
Subsequently, the police in Zhou's residence and seized stolen laptop and tablet 10,hogan outlet roma,, phone for more than 10, more than 4,000 yuan in cash, in addition to lighters and other small objects.
Currently, dozens of Zhou confessed the crime, the police have been implemented more than 10 cases, involving nearly 60,hogan interactive,000 yuan, the current case is still under further digging into.
Police reminded to be alert to the wrong door of a stranger
"From this case,jordan pas cher, we found that many college students awareness needs to be strengthened." Police also want to remind the general public to be alert to strangers the wrong door.
"Because of the students' work schedules to grasp more clearly, no suspects at the time of the theft was discovered." Competent person in charge of the Criminal Investigation Police District, said Wang Hui, Zhou said the review, if the others were found at the hostel, He said to find someone wrong. Because this happens often in a student dormitory, in general, no one would suspect. "From this we can see that the students' awareness is relatively weak."
The reporter Chao Yang
(Original title: college students, said the theft of addictive sleep at night do not steal)