I will quarrel or two

Passengers pointed nose was scolded reporters feel wronged Master Yang Ming Fei Qu photo
The day before yesterday around 18:00, after the 73 bus the driver and passenger of a quarrel, because of "bad mood", the car stopped at the station near the bridge to protect the country, suspended (newspaper has reported on the 19th). The driver's behavior aroused heated discussions: the driver in a bad mood, which should "Shuaike"?
For Master Yang behavior,cheap jordan shoes,http://www.sa.sakura.ne.jp/~dh/bbs4/lightbbs.cgi, some passengers and bus drivers expressed their views.
Wang said the passengers, since the choice of when the bus driver, you should have a certain mental capacity. Quarrel with the occurrence of individual passengers, but also does not affect the vehicle passenger travel and car safety. Bad mood suspended, too casual. If every driver to stop because of a bad mood, and that passengers supposed to? Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang's belief, he said:. "Life's most valuable if the driver drove with emotions, for passengers on their own are irresponsible."
The same week of the master bus driver, said: "I opened the bus 10 years, was a passenger curse, if it is a common practice in previous years, I will quarrel or two, you can experience much more, get used to it.." Master Zhang said that if Master Yang things happen to them,http://tiffanyrin.blog.shinobi.jp, then grievances would insist to drive back yard. Most drivers have said: "With the emotional driving is very dangerous."
Master Yang dialogue
"On the two vehicles, the first time being scolded pointed nose."
14:00 yesterday, the parties still in the driver haigeng Master Yang bus depot for investigation and treatment. Although things have been in the past day, but the day before she was talking about something, still somewhat aggrieved.
Reporter: What is the situation at the time the station?
Master Yang: the platform crowded with people, saw the car coming to vie with each other to the front of the car to run. Roads are blocked, unable to stop. According to company policy, the first one to reach the bus station, the site must be open to the front in order to stop down passengers.
Question: how quarrel will happen?
Yang: can not enter the station, I had to stop at the platform end of the car, opened the back door. I want the first passenger car, the front door open and then drove to the front of the Master. Unexpectedly, a woman,mulberry handbags outlet, not the car began cursed. Another female passenger car is ran in front of my nose pointing curse: "Bus is your home for you, like how to open on how to open a group of people to follow you run us Dang Houshua.." I look to Mongolia, breath come up. Bus drivers are also human beings. I'm doing something wrong, you can complain. But not pointing my nose abuses.
Reporter: suspended, is angry it?
Yang: a cart, I want to be responsible for their safety. I was then gas halo, and a blank mind, I really do not know how to open.
Q: Earlier you had similar experiences?
Yang: On the bus more than two years,http://www.500oo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=648545, suffered a lot of eyes. But was scolded pointed nose,nike air max baratas, the first time.
Let the parties fleet drivers untie knot and then posts
Master Yang especially where the team bus 14 captain, said: "I helped her to open the car back." Until yesterday, the team leader for Master Yang still do the work, psychological counseling. Only so she figured out that in order to re-appointment. "Can not let her take the mood induction, the most important passenger safety."
Master Yang suspended for behavior, especially the captain said Master Yang usually excited to not speak,http://mt.fresheye.com/ft_form.cgi, did not clearly explain to passengers. "She has done a bad place, we will deal with, but also want passengers to understand the difficulties of the bus driver."
"The bus driver drove with emotions, there are security risks." Security services manager Kunming Bus Group LLC, said Li Wei, Yang master disposal was "normal behavior" is not in violation of the relevant provisions of the bus company. After the bus driver and passenger service disputes occur, passengers can choose to ride on the back of the bus,air jordan femme, do not repeat the coin,http://www.sessya-no-nageturi.com, there is no loss on the economy. But the objective does delay time for passengers, the inconvenience to passengers, "we apologize."
When it comes to how to give the bus driver decompression, Li said that the Group has more than 6,000 transit bus driver line, focus on psychological counseling is not effective. Group companies generally or fleet,abercrombie pas cher, independent contact with professional psychological organizations, psychological counseling for the bus driver.
Chongqing bus driver in a bad mood
Families want to team reports
Bus company driver, is a work long hours, high stress, easy to trouble the public service careers. Chronic stress, making many occupants on the verge of mental sub-health. Mental health problems as a result of the driver,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=126&page=1, while the incidence of traffic accidents caused, has been far higher than the common causes of fatigue driving.
In Chongqing,http://www.ikeriri.ne.jp, if the driver felt uneasy, and the families of the obligation to report to the team, the team will arrange their discretion to stop gang day.
Hangzhou bus driver then set up a counseling room, the driver psychological intervention, counseling,http://artistside.com, to ease the psychological pressure bus drivers.
Air Chief Reporter Zhu Xun (City Times)