the taxi stopped in the road in.

Police issued a receipt to the party of law and order special mediation agreement
23 am, Hi-tech Zone Patrol Detachment police Chenjiaping platform, a special issue of law and order in the mediation agreement: brawl mutual apology,herve leger outlet, compensation payments totaling 2500 yuan donated to Project Hope, that the two sides not to pursue other responsibilities. This is how the same thing?
Road midnight taxi dispute forced to stop a private car to go after 300 meters
From early morning to start the day things get. Shortly after 0:00, 27-year-old driver of a Mazda sedan sink, carrying his wife to go home, they go along Shi Yang Lu Chenjiaping traveling.
Drove to the hotel intersection peace, straight in front of Shen suddenly stunned: a taxi quickly pulled out from the next intersection, he drove straight through lane. Had he not react in time to slam the brakes, two vehicles collided inevitable.
When Shen was still gripped in front of the taxi but did not seriously,cheap red bottom shoes, to continue moving forward. Next, let the taxi driver Shen scare: his foot throttle in the end, along the highway at full speed to catch up, chasing out of nearly 300 meters on Chenjiaping overpass is a Jicha, the taxi stopped in the road in.
Private owners Kepo street parties pulling head
Yesterday, Chen Ping Guo Ruilong police investigators Patrol platform presentation, then sat in a taxi yemou four passengers, a few people just drink wine, is preparing to go to the nearby Chenjiaping late night. Shen Jicha so everyone was shocked.
Shen stepped forward, ready Lakaijumen questioning brother. Because of the car near the road in the buffer zone, he could not open the door,, then go back, ready to take the phone in the car alarm. But Yemou and other passengers thought Shen went back to get the weapon, he stopped off Shen. Shen is Guangxi, when excited Speed quickly, Yemou others difficult to understand.
In desperation, I do not know who should push a shot, pulling the two sides. Shen was beat down on the ground, along the back of the head knock on the bloody road.
Patrol coordination compensate both said not bad money
The wife of a police immediately rushed Shen. Platform duty police and Wang quickly arrived on the scene, the two sides back to the platform.
Understand the basic situation, the police arrange Shen Guo Ruilong near to the hospital for treatment, while a few people are taking note continues on the platform. At the hospital, Shen back of the head two sewing needles, is two o'clock back platform.
The two sides met a still keep arguing. Police said the two sides were injured in the fight,, you need to pay to the other medical expenses. Police make mutual apology and compensation for certain medical expenses.
"I just threw the money, do not lose to him." "I do not have money, it is the responsibility of the other party." Let the police headache is that the parties have said they are not bad money, are unwilling to lose money to each other police coordination was deadlocked.
Police are willing to casually said money donated to Project Hope
"If you do not care about the money,, are rich, and that all the money (referring to each other in damages payable) donated to Project Hope, right?" Police Guo Ruilong casually said something.
"You can!"
"I agree."
Let Guo Ruilong never thought that he casually said that the two sides actually have agreed, are called this method "let the other out of the money,nike tn femme pas cher,, the solution of the gas, but also to do good things."
Under the auspices of the police,, the parties to reach an agreement quickly: Yemou "donate" $ 1500, Shen a "donate" $ 1000, the two sides immediately took out cash, and said to contribute immediately. A time when the bank because no one night,, the two can not remit the money immediately. Both sides suggested the money to the police, donated by the police on behalf of. Guo Ruilong accept the money, and the writing of the two receipt.
Remittances to this agreement today is the first time Beijing
Yesterday, the Chongqing Evening News reporter saw police security was issued by the mediation agreement, clearly written above: mutual apology, totaling 2500 yuan compensation payments, donations to Project Hope,christian louboutin outlet, the two sides not to pursue other responsibilities.
17:00 yesterday,, the police Guo Ruilong after the shift, the 2500 yuan to the platform near the bank and contacted the Hope Project Beijing donor center. Unfortunately, due to the banks, the money did not go to donate. Guo Ruilong said today he will go to donations, and a single receipt issued two parties.
Chongqing Evening News reporter learned that Chenjiaping Patrol platform surrounding environment is more complex, population concentration, the police should be coordinated by all kinds of disputes accidents every day. But agreement like this is the first time both sides to resolve the grievances, they did a good thing for the community.
Yesterday, the Chongqing Evening News reporter tried to contact the parties and Yemou Shen, but did not succeed.
Chongqing Evening News reporter intern pay Lynn Yellow House correspondent Li Jianguo photo coverage
High-tech District Public Security Bureau
Site security mediation agreement
Key Facts: April 22, 2011 around midnight, and Shen Ye ×× ×× driving lane change caused the dispute, after the two beat each other.
After mediation, the parties voluntarily agree as follows:
1, mutual apology
2, gold leaf emergence ×× 1500,lancel pas cher, Shen ×× occur gold 1000 yuan,, a total of 2500 yuan donated to Project Hope, the two sides not to pursue other responsibilities
3, this is a one-time mediation mediation, the two sides can not happen again and therefore any dispute, otherwise assume all responsibility for the responsible party