yesterday morning

WASHINGTON (correspondent reporter Wang Chen Qi Yan) yesterday morning, fell from the 6th floor of a 9-year-old boy touches the heart of the medical staff at Children's Hospital,nike tn femme pas cher, although no formal work,, the department still rescue the children.
The boy called Bingbing,, in Wuchang second grade, parents in Wuhan opened a soup kitchen. Last September,cheap red bottom, he had just transferred to the Han Xishui home,, just a few days ago to test the 100 points,,louboutin outlet, the family were happy, I did not expect just a few days, the parents but only in a hospital intensive care room in tears.
According to the Ranger's mother introduced the couple to the children last night bathed,louboutin pas cher, settled him asleep, so he fell asleep before going out to the store cleaning. Before leaving the door locked for security reasons, but because I did not expect the child alone at home too scared, jumped out the window, causing the tragedy.
Mother said,, last year once the home into a thief,, then Bingbing frightened,louboutin soldes,[url=http:/krzilfijkcl, and even the family to leave for a while on the toilet would yell, "Mom." The day before yesterday, Bingbing very scared at home alone, he found the door open, even Chengzhaoyusan jumped from the 6th floor.
During surgery, doctors found three Bingbing big gap above the left kidney, each finger has a length of nearly the entire colon congestion cleared large blocks of two fists. May occur after infection and renal complications shut off, leakage of urine, renal atrophy and so on.
Bingbing said to the doctor woke up after the first sentence turned out to be "no fun, looking for my mother."
Child psychology experts say Chiun hospital, such an extreme thing is first encountered, in addition to over-reliance Bingbing adults, may imitate cartoons umbrella jumping plot related. The average child after the age of 3 independent consciousness gradually increased,, then the parents should be conscious of fostering children's independence.