left tendon rupture

Two injured elderly middle-aged most serious injuries, as of today, just after midnight, still in the rescue.
At 7 pm,air max outlet italia, located in the downtown area of Chongzhou Chongzhou Hotel entrance,http://www.wifigx.com/forum.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a shooting incident occurred,http://www.kct.or.jp,louboutin pas cher, in which two men seriously injured and is currently in the rescue.
Night 7 pm, hotel security Liaomou chongzhou hotel parking lot is on duty, he saw four men out of the hotel. Just went on the sidewalk, Liaomou suddenly heard gunshots, he tracks the sound looked and saw a horse outside the five-meter roadside flare gun issue. According to his description, in a short period of time less than ten seconds,http://www.fantem.com/phpwind/read.php?tid=2798074&ds=1, has rang three times. 4 The two men fell to the ground, and the rest fled into the man fled the hotel,louboutin pas cher, but also busy Liaomou jump distance.
Liao told reporters afterwards describe a sound that sounds like gunshots. Five minutes after the incident,hogan interactive, the police arrived one after another chongzhou. Liaomou then dare to go out to see, I saw two young men down in a pool of blood, but they are still unable to move. Distance less than 100 meters Chongzhou Hotel Chongzhou Second People's Hospital sent more ambulances rushed to the scene for rescue. According to a person at the scene of the medical staff reports, two men one person left thigh with multiple stab wounds and gunshot wounds, and the other person's head,http://lauzyprygdjerwwprqqq.seesaa.net, hands and right knee were knife wounds, and patella fracture, left tendon rupture,http://www.thiefmissions.com, They were both hemorrhagic shock. According to the hospital registration information, both surnamed Zhao,http://reseller.web-matrix.jp, for Chongzhou Jinjiang people aged 26 years and 32 years old. Among older people most serious injuries, just after midnight as of today, still in the rescue,louboutin femme pas cher, no danger.
Two injured relatives rushed to the hospital after getting the message, according to them, they recently contracted a project. Chongzhou dozen police after the incident,http://gigadict.com, police in the surrounding area of the blockade, and careful search site. Nearly 10 o'clock last night,http://www.a-classe.com, after the completion of the site investigation, the local sprinkler deployed to the scene of blood were washed. Currently, the case is under further investigation. Our reporter Liu Hu