forged their exchange of letters

"God questions" papers
Recently, Zhejiang University Guanghua Law School sophomore Amy reflects: "could not think,, this is today's exams, students said faint cry in the toilet and the teacher wanted very recent fire Beida car ho fight a fight you. ? "He also provided a photo shoot of Zhejiang University Guanghua School of Law" theory of criminal law, "the end of the course papers. & Nbsp; & nbsp; only a question on the paper: Analysis of modern criminal law event everyone's responsibility. After the title lists "Caochuanjiejian",hogan, "Burning of the Books", "retrieve their full property", "gloves came off," and "Pirates Jiang Gan book" Five allusions.
Zhejiang University 2014-2015 academic year the fall and winter semesters, "Criminal Law Theory" course final exam
Modern criminal law by analyzing events in everyone's criminal
1. Caochuanjiejian answerer: Zhejiang, a Mexican law firm Pan Xiao Fang
Caochuanjiejian is wise to the illegal possession of property of others (arrow) for the purpose of, in the hazy mist of the night, using a vessel filled scarecrow pretend deception attack, so Cao Cao suffered mistaken attack, and the command to put Caochuan Arrow, resulting in Cao suffered property damage, while Zhuge Liang were given a property (arrow) Cao loss is typical of Offences against Property, should be investigated for fraud Zhuge Liang's responsibility. Case, Zhuge Liang fraud has been completed, and has made property (arrows), and constituted Accomplished. Because a huge amount involved,, according to criminal law, should at least three years to ten years imprisonment, and impose appropriate penalties.
Emperor "book burning" random damage to private property system, in serious cases, alleged intentional destruction of property crimes and disturb the crime.
Two competing crime, a felony choose treatment, intentional destruction of property crimes should be punished.
"Kengru" intentional homicide, the emperor of criminal gangs ringleaders should bear full legal responsibility.
Scott proposed "Fenshukengru" proposal to Qin Shi Huang, abetting crime and actively implemented, is the main culprit,, it should be held criminally responsible.
2. Fenshukengru answerer: Zhejiang Jhihren Wang Yonghao Law Firm
Qin Zhaoxiangwang to methods of fraud, fictitious facts, conceal the truth, under the guise of exchange with fifteen fortresses and Choi, and Choi and have Piandao Shou, is a fraud Accomplished. In sentencing, should the market price and Choi identify prevail; such a huge amount of crime, punishable by life imprisonment. Although Lin was also used fraudulent methods to retrieve and Choi,, but no social harm, does not constitute a crime.
3. End bi Zhao answerer: Zhejiang Political Science Alliance LLP Kerong Ming
The gloves came off answerer: Zhejiang Ming Yang Guang Zhou Law Firm
Yantai Zi Dan talking about the gloves came off in order to prevent the state of Qin unified the process and send Jing Ke Yan Qin Wuyang carry large maps and Governor General Kang Fan in the head and then trust to defraud assassinate the King of Qin Ying Zheng Story .
Yantai Zi Dan is Jingkeciqin the angel, his behavior is commonly known as "contract killings" subjective aim is to use Jing Keci kill the King of Qin, deprived of the right to life of others,, the objective is to kill Jing Ke provide convenient conditions (provided maps, weapons), also clearly stated requirements murder,chaussure nike pas cher femme, but eventually failed due to objective reasons Jing Ke to assassinate the King of Qin, Yantai Zi Dan should be investigated for criminal liability for intentional attempted murder.
Jing Ke Qin Wuyang as a valet, in the majesty of the King of Qin Qin Dianwai was scared shivering, finally did not follow Shangdian Jing Ke. Although he was full participation in the assassination, but the time of the incident he was only thirteen years of age, the age of criminal responsibility of the Penal Code for fourteen years old, so Qin Wuyang without incurring liability.
Jing Ke as the protagonist, the assassination of Qin directly exercise behavior, subjective task is entrusted to carry out the assassination, although the last failed to succeed due to objective reasons, should bear criminal responsibility attempted intentional homicide. In addition, before the assassination, Jing Ke was persuaded to go to the Great General Fan in suicide to give his head, causing Fan in Suicide serve the country. Fan Jing Ke subjective in the hope of suicide, the objective has taken to persuade suicidal behavior,, and Fan in obey his words took his own life, Jing Ke in this section abetting suicide should be a fact, but also to pursue its intentional criminal homicide.
Qin Ying Zheng, as the case of the victims, but also need to take some responsibility. Jing Ke after a cut in the leg, Ying Zheng Jing Ke escaped threw a dagger, this time unarmed Jing Ke, collapsed to the ground, has been unable to continue the implementation of the violations, and Jing Ke Ying Zheng who continue to cut the seven swords, beyond the scope of self-defense, should be investigated for criminal liability for intentional injury.
5. Jiang Gan Pirates of the book answerer: Zhejiang Ming Yang Guang Zhou Law Firm
Jiang Gan Zhou Yu dispatched lobbying Soochow surrender, but in Zhou Yu's room found evidence Cai Mao,cheap gucci handbags, Zhang Yun Tong Wu dark, so stole evidence letters. Although the letter itself is of little value, but because of the burglary, still to be held criminally responsible.
To remove Cai Zhou Yu, Zhang two will, forged their exchange of letters, Jiang Gan deliberately stolen, as is so Cai, Cao Cao Zhang two will be investigated, and the results Cai, Zhang indeed been beheaded, causing serious consequences. Zhou Yu should be investigated for criminal liability for false accusation.
According to the "City Express"
Reporter contacted Wang, Wang said, this paper is the sister school seniors from coming out of there, January 20 at night just to test, the question who is an Associate Professor Gao Yan Dong School. Many students have affectionately called private Gao Yan Dong "East Columbia." The day before yesterday afternoon,, the reporter with the "East Brother" on the phone, mention this "God questions," he hearty laughter: "My slogan is 'no interest in not learning,, no case does the law'."
Gao Yan east Zhejiang University School of Law in 2007 played teaches criminal law Subjects speaker, two courses on criminal law. In addition, he also opened an elective course called "legal clinic" to enable students to analyze real-world examples to explore further comments by the teacher through the collision point of view to explain the legal knowledge.
Daily life, Gao Yan Dong liked reading, historical allusions, martial arts, western detective work and so are his "good heart", sometimes taking the time to look at the beauty of drama associated with the law.
This time out the papers, he thought, might be able to put these elements into the exam in: "The law is not a cold theoretical and provisions, it is all around us, in the life of high school students can law, film and television work in secondary law, it is necessary boring subject into a living example. "
Gao Yan East, said:. "I have this examination paper, there is no fixed answer, everyone can speak their minds," said Gao Yan Dong, the exam,boutique louboutin paris, actually a kind of thinking to expand the training needs of students developing creative consciousness, faster, and more accurately locate Case The legal issues.
Out of 100 papers, open-book exam, five small questions,air jordan pas cher, each question 20 points.
The day before yesterday, a few lawyers interested in trying to answer for a moment, to see the right answer.