For this statement

Original title: 8 hours of sleep over those who die early? ,! User: messy experts: to ensure the quality of sleep is more important
A mention of sleep problems,hollister france, a common understanding is that, for adults, 7 to 8 hours to ensure that sleep time is the best.
And recently, one entitled "sleep more than eight hours a day die faster? "Posts on the microblogging been forwarded crazy,", it makes a lot of lethargy and has maintained eight hours of sleep a person worried. Into the intern reporter Xing Xiao Yawen
Sleep eight hours a day die faster?
This then lead to "scare" the Post said, the University of California, San Diego School of Pharmacy and the American Cancer Society teamed up for one million between the ages of 30 years to 102 years old object was observed.
In this experiment, the subjects of the age,,tiffany outlet, medical history, health status, etc. have been taken into account, they are now with their physical condition for comparison of similar objects.
The study found that people who slept sixty-seven hours a day only, compared with more than eight hours of sleep a day,,louboutin femme pas cher, or less than four hours of human mortality rate is much lower.
Among them, the people who slept seven hours the lowest mortality, and even people who slept five hours,, this factor should be less than enough sleep eight hours of people.
Post wrote: The researchers explained that this is because sleep too long, shorten the time of exposure to sunlight, the temperature will be inactive for a long time because the body becomes too low to secrete large amounts of melatonin to promote sleep, people In the sleepy the next day. And this will hinder sleepy at night into the deep sleep.
For this statement, many users have expressed their "messy."
How long will we go to sleep is not conclusive
We have been adhering to perform eight hours of sleep really is an agent of chronic poison,tiffany outlet?
Yang, Department of Neurology,, Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou center of a ward director Gaiqing Zhengzhou University, explains: "This statement is too absolute to contact us in the past saying that in fact the best time of 8 hours of sleep, to sleep and there is no strict definition is different... people, some need to sleep for a long time, while others slept little the day before, got up still energetic, which is due to the good quality of sleep itself. "
"How much time did not sleep very strict definition, is not enough to say that we have to sleep a few hours to work, in order to maintain our health. But to this day in our physical energy consumption, reasonable arrange sleep time. "
Ensure that the most important quality of sleep
Young Gaiqing that more people actually sleep, not because they need a long time to sleep, but they did not properly take care of your sleep system, causing the system can not work efficiently. When feeling lack of energy during the day, people often think: "I slept too little, the job should get more sleep." Instead of thinking: "?? My poor sleep quality is not how I want to improve."
Sleep quality directly affects the mental state of the next day, under normal circumstances,air max milano, to ensure that within half an hour to fall asleep, waking up at night does not exceed the number 1 or 2 times,;, basically there is a good quality of sleep. On the contrary, it can not reach a good sleep effects. If you sleep too long,, it will affect their metabolism, but for the growth and development of children, the sleep time should be longer than the adults.
For those who slept six or seven hours to wake up naturally, as long as you feel awake, feeling good, you can safely get up activities.
For how are enough sleep and sleep time is always less than the people who will have to try to control their sleep time, time to go to bed and get up as much as possible some regularity.